UBRME lAus ■ ■ -'r.i Scanned from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art Library Coordinated by the Media History Digital Library www.mediahistoryproject.org Funded by a donation from Domitor Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Media History Digital Library http://archive.org/details/movwor31chal I. 31, No. 1 January 6, 1917 Price 15 Cents i ^H'fltfJiltfttlMffHWH'lM'MttWKM'M^ Post Office Box 226 Madison Square Station NEW YORK 17 Madison Avenue Telephone Madison Square it 10 ^ BiMffiBtfttfcmftmftHimHtiMiHdtVilliRBBglliBffiTB THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 6, 1917 BOOK SEVEN DEADLY SINS Combining! Ihe errterlainmenl value of a feature wilh Ihe drawing power of a series Seven five-reel fealures, released by X00*^. Supei'picluresJnc.thr^hTrian^leExchan^s McCt-URE PICTURES /'a mars 6, L9L I | | | - M( )\ |\(, I'll I I'KI W < > K I - 1 > MAX UNDER MR. EXHIBITOR: I am here to make your patrons laugh. Meet me face to face on the screen and see for y our se If . Yours for Success, \AXJ3L^^XA<<&± THE MOVING PICTL'RK WORLD January 6, 1917 A Torrent of BOOKINGS OF THE TWO GREATEST Written and Staged by GRACE CUNARD and FRANCIS FORD Mystery — Swift Action Romance— Adventure — A Lavish Production With a Huge Cast The announcement of a Cunard-Ford Serial was met by an overwhelming response. Book- ings are pouring in to every Universal Ex- change. Live Exhibitors who have made big money on Universal Serials before are eager to get the first showing of this newest and greatest — sensational serial success. BOOK NOW for PROFIT The advertising possibilities of "The Purple Mask" are simply tremendous — the unequaled co-operation of the mighty Universal — the expert advertising ser- vice given in the magnificent Advertising Campaign Book will put this serial over for you in a way that will mean popularity, prestige and profit. Book now through any Universal Exchange, or UNIVERSAL FILM MANUFACTURING COMPANY CARL LAEMMLE. President "The Largest Film Manufacturing Concern in the Universe" 1600 Broadway. New York January 6, 1917 llll MOVING PICTURK WORLD hrove Hie Popularity 'ERJAL J"TARJ ON EARTH THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 6. 1917 Red Feather Photoplays PRESENT 'THE DOUBLE-ROOM MYSTERY" WITH HAYWARD MACK and ED. HEARNE Directed by Hobart Henley Book thrulany Universal Exchange i anuar) <>, 1917 111 I Mt >\ IX*. PICTURE WORLD State Right* Now Wire Sclhrv On*ver un«sU • \ ^If*Se Wg^rsatio^ Sta^. «*S.&on 11 TH*.5 ^ toS^'gg-rsS- -rites thcrs lavedtoc^andtf«> Ml4vpoci m "Snoe~.„cR pt00"~i from ""'•,„eto» p.'"~the cVa°" ,dM^ the «te?stfa«i*3?5i3»r yob* 5>«^*?- *I*L-. - ,\ica«°n Act\ otu Mow 'nti** flttA Ctf*1- t*e NlN^-*' pres»' 'W U» %cs\ f\\» !Aa nu\at ,\ut'\n% Co ncetn PH ^e Un'we^c Hfc* 1600 bRO* pViM X OFFICE WINNER ^dTREMlNDOUS DRAMATIC PRODUCTION THK MOVING PICTURK WORLD January 6, 1917 man mtmt n ■ .1:'?'. 2*-; Ml mmw if Mr, '-■ NOW SELLING UNI YE RIAL VSSSSH A TREMENDOUS DRAMATIZATION V DANIEL DEFOES THRILLING STOV&" II With ROBERT LEONARD— supported by MARGARITA FISCHER and an all-star cast A beautiful, big production that appeals to young and old. A picture that will please everyone ; that will prove a tremendous drawing card for neighborhood houses and down town theatres as well. The spirit of romance and adventure ; realistic details visualized from the old and familiar story carry an appeal to every moving picture fan. State Rights on this superb dramatization NOW SELLING — Write or wire today for open terri- tory, terms, etc. Address all communications to STATE RIGHTS DEPT. UNIVERSAL FILM MANUFACTURING CO. Carle Laemmle, President 'The Largest Film Manufacturing Concern In the Universe" 1600 Broadway NEW YORK r\ ' 9* *■/:& In Answering Advertisements. Please Mention the MOVING PICTURE WORLD. January 6. 1917 THE MOVINC I'U I URE \\ < >KI.I> "rrMilfiiiiB — i "r*i if iTfTi 7f fir STATE RIGHTS Opportunity o/+ lifetime/ JhcFunniesI Cr*$icji Picture ever Produced ^Jtl? You get that Stuff — the greatest stuff you ever saw — right here. A State Rights proposition that is the biggest crowd-get- ting, box-office attraction you ever heard of. A regular entertainment that will pack 'em in wherever shown. Bill It Play It a Circus — a Road Show That's the way buyers are already playing this big burlesque comedy production. The time to get in on this is NOW. There's the swellest bunch of paper, all the way from one to twenty-four sheets you ever saw. It is attractive, snappy and strictly up-to-date. Write, wire, phone or call for particulars as to choice territory still open. AMOSY film; (INC? 1 600 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY "The Girl Who Doesn't Know" is the greatest sermon yet presented to parents through the medium of the screen — a theme positively untouched in motion pictures — a dramatic, heart-throbbing story 729 SEVENTH AVENUE . NEW YORK CITY ^\&viJesi PJiotoplay MAJRJE KMPREWT \ ' IK " ^ Wi hhU>1 ■e»>s On ti Girls '"el, rge$ Ch "' H0l '" Hom ap,er-l 1icted Aes~"TtHrdfrt '"■'A,-, ••II P-ir( '0*/ will make parents think and discuss whether it is not best that their children learn the physiological facts of life in an earnest and chaste manner from one who is both mother and companion to her. KBfi Ifyerybody "rtill Want to see U ! to ittsi . Qu^n" *V>« St Anuuew's* IVuisonace 120 West 701." Street New Yuwk "'.The Girl who Doesn't Know", is a story of lifo that carries oonviction in an earnest, chaste, and straight forward way- It is bottor a tfirl should learn sonc things fron a moving picture fchun to learn thorn in the peril of sooicty. It is beat of all that she learn then at first hand fron ono who can bo both t'other a. id conpanion to Jier daughter. 'Itio Girl who Doesn't Know speaks its mute appeal to mothers ovcrywhoro, to sup; 1 ant l,.;aoruuoe with itnowlodge that girlo forwarnod may ko forearmed. %*, < I'h it _ °ung q\ _ January 6, 1917 I II I MOVINC IMl.TURK WORLD 11 A NEW >.. MOROSCO-PARAMOUNT fciarfe.*?' Released December 28th ■ OLIVER MOROSCO Presents KATHLYN WILLIAMS SUPPORTED BY THOMAS HOLDING IN "REDEEMING LOVE" Produced by OLIVER MOROSCO PHOTOPLAY CO. 485 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW" YORK Agents for Canada: Famous Players Film Service, Ltd., Calgary, Toronto, Montreal 12 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 6 1917 i4\ LAR en at success TE U >H fcuD < 5 r-jH X Oh greatest w Cm Z w D ^£ O < icturizatior NO ,. 'l - January 6, 1917 TIIK MOVING PICTURE WORLD 13 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 6, 19 li "BRAVING BLAZES » Release Date January 8th The newest, most original BLACK DIAMOND COMEDY yet produced by these masters of mirth UNITED STATES MOTION PICTURE CC RPORATION WILKES-BAR RE, PA. J. 0, WALSH, Pros. F. W. HERMANN, Vice-Pre* D. L. HART, Treas, 'kS FOUR E10HT> FIVE l~S FIFTHAVENUE V_^ C ^OUTYPJRST 5L NEW YORK. N.Y. S3i January 6, I'M, II 1 1 • Mi>\ [NG PIC H RE \\ OKI.D 15 ULbu^-.u. announces VictorMoore in the third one reel "Klever Kennedies" "HE MEANT WELL 1) Vic starts off the New Year meaning well But, Oh ! the consequences ! ! You'll laugh ! You'll scream ! You'll howl ! Released New Year's Day, January 1st « SB i fc KLEVER PICTURES, INC. 220 West 42nd St., New York City 16 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 6, 1917 Wtmrm Commencing with January, ARTCRAFT will release one picture a month, and that pic- ture, you may depend, will be the most towering feature of the industry. One ARTCRAFT picture a month with the world's great- est artist will bring your play- house the prestige that no other amusement medium can duplicate. Inquire for particulars now. ARTCRAFT PICTURES CORPORATION January 6, 1917 THE MOVING I'll ["URE W( >RLD 17 She^rioe o> pth; €'an Start the new year with one of M i s s Pickford's great- est achievements. THE 81 FIRST RUN ARTCRAFT THEATRES will show this pic- ture for the first time JANUARY 8TH, 1917 Have you contract? a Pickford MCaftara 3 *M# This event is the mil- lennium in moving pic- tures— the one feature that America has await- ed for years. This will be an ARTCRAFT February release. i 729 SEVENTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Till-. MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 6, 1917 KEEN TCARTOONS Comical Characters Presented m Uilkrioi/jly fynny Coixvediej m ev/ce M Keen ^Cartoons TKe Greatest Laygh Prod/cerj Ever Orrered OrveE^cK Week Released TKroi/gK Foremojt lr\deper\der\t Exch&rxgej Write or Wire Tor Fi/ll lr\forw\t\tiorv KEEN CARTODN CORPORATION 72 9 Seventh Avenue, New York. In Answering Advertisements, Please Mention the MOVING PICTURE WORLD. 6LUEBIRD PNGTrOPLAYT PaEfENT TNE PIPER.T PRICE" PROM THE JTOCtV BV MRS WILSON WOODR.OW Wiffi DOROTHY PHILLIP5 MAUDE CEORCE-lGNOlANEy AND WILLIAM JTOWELL DIRECTED BY JOSEPH DEQRATfE /r IllllllllllHllllilillMUh Oc 4CO ¥ 2 J T' HE tremendous momentum of BLUEBIRD popularity is wholly unprecedented, though confidently ex- pected by BLUEBIRD Executives ever since the inception of these marvelous film drama achieve- ments. Each succeeding? release is -widening and strength- ening the extreme favor in which BLUEBIRDS are held hy moving picture patrons throughout the country. Greatness of plays ; superiority of stars ; the farthest advance in direction — these have heen com- bined in a manner never before considered possible. The flood of publicity and generous advertising space in the Saturday Evening Post is further in- creasing the popular demand for BLUEBIRD Photoplays. You can share in this demand with profit. IMPORTANT TO EXHIBITORS; Arrange to see the photoplay triumph of the season — "GODS CRUCIBLE." A play that will astonish you as evidence of the super-excellence possible in the art of the screen drama. It is a BLUEBIRD of the true BLUEBIRD standard. Book through your local BLUEBIRD Exchange or BLUEBIRD PHOTOPLAYS, (Inc.) i Released on the METRO PRO (TRAM January S th COLUMBIA Pictures Corporation present s C7he St cly Delightful MABELTALIAFERRO A Wife by Proxy r**~t I £ n /METRO wonderplay \z/L from the supreme story written by Charles Logue ana John B. Cly me r -Directed by John H. Collins. t R jDiggest box office attraction ever offered to Motion PictureTneatres since motion pidures began consecutive weeks BOOKING NO Wat A reat METRO fflto \rqfl I* V4 BEVERtV is?* y *r^ J/m.Christy Cabanne's master pro- " ducKon of romance, thrill and pover. Whirl-wind Advertising" Campaign -l^msftaper and "Billboard ~ Unique in Showmanship. Pre*** by QUALITY Pictures Corporation ab^iwddeGiwK Produced by S ERIAL Producing" Company •X C H A N G E S s AYEAR of Prosperity and Profit for every ExKib] th Motion Picture METRO PICTURES Jhr 1917 ese Jan. 1 " 8 " 1* ' '11 • '19 Fek