Courant Computer Science Report # 12 September 1977 Correct-Program Technology/ Extensibility of Verifiers Two Papers on Program Verification Martin Davis and J.T. Schwartz Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Computer Science Department New York University Report No. NSO-12 prepared under Grants No. NSF-MCS7^24212, NSF-MCS71 -02039, and NSF-MCS 76-0011 6 from the National Science Foundation; and U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration Contract No. EY-7^C-02-3077*000. COURANT COMPUTER SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS Price COURANT COMPUTER SCIENCE NOTES , J. Cocke and ril 1970, iii+767 pp $23.00 20.50 v+201 pp. 6.25 URANT COMPUTER SCIENCE NOTES Programming Languages and Their Compilers, J. Cocke and J. T. Schwartz, 2nd Revised Version, April 1970, iii+ On Programming: An Interim Report on the SETL Project. J. T. Schwartz, Revised June 1975, xii+675 pp. A SETLB Primer. H. Mullish and M. Goldstein, 1972, v+2^^ ^^. Combinatorial Algorithms. E. G. Whitehead, Jr., 1973, vi+104 pp. 3.25 COURANT COMPUTER SCIENCE REPORTS No. 1 ASL: A Proposed Variant of SETL Henry Warren, Jr., 1972, 226 pp. 0 . 2 A Metalanguage for Expressing Grammatical Res in Nodal Spans Parsing of Natural Language. Jerry R. Hobbs, 1974, 266 pp. 0 . 3 Type Determination for Very High Level Langua Aaron M. Tenenbaum, 1974, 171 pp. mprehensive Survey of Parsing Algori' uages . Phillip Owens. Forthcoming . COURANT INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 251 Mercer Street ^ New York, New York 10012 / COURANT INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Computer Science NSO-12 CORRECT-PROGRAM TECHNOLOGY/EXTENSIBILITY OF VERIFIERS Two Papers on Program Verification Martin Davis and J. T. Schwartz with Appendix by E . Deak Report No. NSO-12 prepared under Grants No. NSF-MCS76-24212, NSF-MCS71-02039 , and NSF-MCS76-00116 from the National Science Foundation; and U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration Contract No. EY-76-C-02-3077*000 . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page On Correct-Program Technology J. Schwartz Appendix E. Deak 110 Metamathematical Extensibility for Theorem Verifiers and Proof Checkers M. Davis & J. Schwartz... 120 111 On Correct Program Technology Jack Schwartz 1 . Introduction By now the potential importance of formal techniques for proving program correctness has been recognized for over two decades, and something between four and seven hundred papers principally devoted to the development of such techniques have been published (see [London, 1970], [1972] for useful reviews of existing literature) . A wide variety of formalisms have been proposed; among these, the inductive assertion technique of [Floyd, 1967] , and the variant of it proposed and repeatedly extended by Hoare [1969] , [1971] [1972] seem most convenient. But in spite of all this work, a truly practical program verification technology has been slov; to develop. The essential diffi- culty not yet overcome is economic: the cost of formal program verification using existing teachniques is still much too high. This objection is best understood if we consider the way in which a fully formal variant of the Floyd technique would operate. In this approach, one is given a program text P, to which an input assumption I and an output assertion are attached. (These assertions are written in any convenient, sufficiently powerful, logical formalism, e.g., predicate calculus supplemented by Zermelo-Frankel set theory. In general, we shall use LF to denote whatever logical formalism is used.) Call a program text thus annotated (i.e., carrying attached assump- tions and assertions) a praa. To prove a praa Q correct by the Floyd method, one begins by attaching -1- additional assertions to its text. Generally speaking, at least one such additional assertion needs to be attached to each loop (also each procedure) in the program text of the praa; in effect, this assumption captures and formalizes the fragment of technique which guided the programmer to write the loop. (As a matter of fact, recent work has shown that at least for some simple loops these assumptions can be supplied autom.ati- cally, see [Wegbreit, 1974], [Morris and Wegbreit, 1976], [Misra, 1975] . While the techniques used to do this are interesting and ingenious, the approach to be developed in the present paper suggests that the possibility of pro- ceeding in this way is not of primary importance.) The praa Q ' developed by adding these additional assertions to Q is then processed by a verification condition generator (sometimes also called a verifying compiler , though the term verification compiler would be better) , which by a straightforward process converts Q into a set S of statements of the logical formalism LF . Then to complete the verification one must prove all of the statements of the set S. In principle, these proofs must themselves be verified mechanically, i.e., each proof must be expressed in a fully formal way and certified by a proof verifer program PV able to recognize correct LF-proofs. It is at this stage of a verification that we must expect the greatest expenditure of labor to occur; although in principle the verifier program PV could supply part of the necessary proof itself, the present state and prospects of automatic proof technology make it appear likely that PV will have to be guided quite closely by the supply of numerous very detailed proof steps. (However, energetic development of proof-verifier technology can be expected to reduce the number of formal steps which must be supplied in typical proofs, and to allow these proofs to be supplied in intuitively comfortable forms.) A secondary difficulty is that the substitutions and other formal manipulations applied by a verification condition generator will typically -2- convert the assertions occuring in a praa, the intuitive content of which may already be somewhat obscure, into still murkier forms, adding to the burden and difficulty of supplying the necessary formal proofs. Having thus briefly reviewed existing technique, let us now contrast the approach proposed in the present paper, in order to highlight the pragmatic differences that characterize our approach. In the first place, rather than starting with large unannotated program texts and attempting to prove their correctness, we shall prefer to work systematically with praas known to be correct, stating rules for the manipulation and combination of aorreat praas, using which new, necessarily correct praas can be derived. Thus our approach will conform and give formal realization to an insight of Dijkstra: that proarams should not so miuch be proved correct as developed in such a way as to make their correctness e/ident. In this sense, the class of correct praas is to be compared to the set of universally valid formulae of the logical formalism which underlies them, and the rules for praa combination which we shall state correspond to the formal proof rules of substitution and deduction which allow new universally valid formulae to be deduced from old- In pragmatic terms, we may claim that the approach to be described gives formal expression to the generating steps by which programmers construct programs in the first place, and accordingly can object to the standard Floyd-Hoare approach by noting that, starting always from an externally given program text, it necessarily loses sight of a program's genetic origins. A central claim of the present paper is that by remedying this defect the task of deducing a praa ' s correctness can be much alleviated. -3- In our approach then, correct praas can be used to generate new correct praas, in much the same way as new correct algebraic or logical formulae can be gererated by combining old formulae. This suggests the following view of the programming process: that it amounts to a type of formal manipulation roughly analogous to algebraic computation, in which text fragments expressing elementary, essentially irreducible, correct algorithms are combined to yield correct programs adapted to one or to another intended application. (And developed to the point at which program efficiency becomes acceptable.) From this point of view, what has been lacking till now is simply a sufficiently full and formal statement of the rules for manipulation and composition of correct praas; here it should be noted that these rules neaes sarily relate to correct praas and not simply to program texts, which may perhaps help explain why full statement of them has been so long delayed. Observe then that, regarding programming as a type of formal manipulation akin to the algebraic manipulation of (possibly very large) formulae, we can understand why much but not all of it is experienced psychologically as having a routine flavor rather than smacking of the intensely creative. From this same point of view we may say that, just as the generation of reliably correct large algebraic formulae must rest on the use of a formula manipulation program, so the reliable generation of large correct praas must rest on the formal use of a programmed praa manipulator; In both cases, the probability of error becomes overwhelming if one tries to work manually with large texts. Extending this analogy, we may liken the informal procedures which characterize much of today's programming to what algebraic calculation might be if, without making systematic use of formalized rules, one -4- operated on the basis of informal reasoning and informed intuition; can then liken the process of structured programming advocated by Dijkstra to a still manual process of calculation guided by systematic reference to formal algebraic rules, and can liken the correct-praa technology which we shall describe to the use of a formula manipulation program. The most elementary fragments to which our rules of modification and combination will usefully apply will be correct praas, generally rather small, each of which expresses some fundamental and essentially indecomposable element of algorithmic technique. Some of these 'root' praas can be very simple, e.g. those which describe the standard techniques for zeroing an array or adding up the components of a vector; others will be more complex, and will e.g. describe the 'treesort' technique or the techniques used to maintain B-trees; others may be re- latively profound, and describe, e.g., the essential ideas of Tarjan high-speed technique for determining flow-graph reducibility . To establish the correctness of the 'root' praas corresponding to these algorithms, we have no choice but to use a variant of the general Floyd/ Hoare program verification technique. (The formrlism that we will use for this is rather close to that of Hoare, but in detail differs significantly from Hoare 's formalism; these purely pragm^atic differences adapt our formalism to our larger purposes, but also seem to make the proof formalism that we shall describe somewhat more comfortable to use than Hoare ' s technique, and perhaps also a mite more general.) That the full power of the logical formalism LF should have to be invoked to prove the correctness of each 'root' praa is after all not surprising, since each such praa expresses an essentially -5- new mathematical fact: in heuristic terms, we may say- that on first meeting such a praa, we are bound to find the fact that it works surprising until we have been presented, at least informally, with a mathematical proof that it does. On the other hand, in our approach the correctness of 'composite' praas will follow in relatively routine fashion from the way in which they are built up. Thus a second pragmatic objection that we may raise to the Floyd/Hoare technique as it is ordinarly used is that it applies , to composite programs ^ techniques that only need to he applied to elementary programs , thereby rending formal verification over-expen sive . Concerning the logical formalism LF that we shall use and the level of programming language to be used along with it, the following remarks should be helpful. For expressing logical relationships and formal proofs, it is clearly most advantageous to use a maximally powerful logical language, which dictates the use of something like predicate calculus supplemented by Zermelo-Frankel set theory. Indeed, if one uses any significantly less powerful logical framework, then certain relationships which would have very direct expression in the more powerful language will be unstateable or at any rate stateable only in very crabbed and roundabout ways in the less powerful formalism; moreover, certain proofs which in the more powerful formalism would be short and direct will be rendered long and complex, and may even become impossible. If one mistakenly foreswears the use of set theory, this consideration applies, e.g., to any use of the 'box principle', i.e., that any assignment of n objects to fewer than n boxes must put at ]east two objects into some one boxf as part of a correctness proof. But then, since it is desirable that no limitation inherent in the programming language we use should deprive us of any -6- expressive or proof-theoretic possibility which our underlying logical formalism would allow us, we shall also want to allow our programming language to m.anipulate perfectly general set theoretic objects. We shall do this with a vengeance, initially foreswearing all con- siderations not only of efficiency but even of im.plonentability , and thus working with a formal programming language in which any set-theoretic object, whether finite, infinite, or even transfinite can be 'manipulated ' . Note that since our concern is initially not to execute programs but simply to prove the correctness of praas, this manner of proceeding, which may at first sight seem counterintuitive, is not only harmless but desirable and necessary. However, this does not mean that our considerations will apply only to praas written in a language of some unrealistically high level. Quite to the contrary, the methods to be described will facilitate the proofs of correctness even of programs written in assembly language. After all, in developing such a proof one is concerned only to exhibit a minimum-length path of argument from a given set of axiomatic foundations to a final assembly-language program.; the fact that transfinite modes of expression have been used along the way to shorten this path is as little harmful as the numerical analyst's use of properties of the transfinite set of real numbers is harmful to the efficiency of some entirely finite root-finding procedure which he can justify by reasoning about these properties. We note that in a very interesting paper [Wegbreit, 1976] has shown how program-verification techniques can be adapted to give formal proofs that algorithms are efficient; even in such proofs, the use of very high level and even potentially transfinite modes of expression can be advantageous, since (we emphasize once more) the efficiency of an algorithm and the implementability or efficiency of -7- the expressions used to study it are two entirely different things. Since the programming language that we will use will allow arbitrary set-theoretic objects as data objects, it will be relatively easy for us to deal with any of the data structures coiranonly encountered in programming practice, e.g. , arrays, structures, and even pointer systems which we will be able to represent explicitly using maps. In the above connection it is worth noting that the present paper concentrates exclusively on the question of 'partial' correctness of praas. That is, we prove only that, as a praa runs, and given that all the assumptions in it are correct, it must follow that each assertion in it will be confirmed whenever control passes through the place in the path to which the assertion attaches. Note that if control never passes through a given place, then any assertion at that place is correct a vviori. Since we concern ourselves only with partial correctness, neither loops which never terminate or operations with illegal operands will create any special problems for us. In particular, we can write iterations (VxSs) oode; end V; over infinite sets freely. The techniques of praa modification and combination central to the approach advocated in the present paper are very much anticipated in [Gerhart, 1975a] , [1975b] , [1976] . Significant technical differences between our treatment and that of Gerhart are as follows: (a) Basing herself on the Hoare formalism, Gerhart confines her attention to the somewhat special class of praas in which assumptions and assertions appear only at the heads of »^ile loops, and focuses rather more strongly on the 'forward' and 'backward' Floyd verification conditions -8- than is entirely appropriate for the development of a smooth formalism,. (b) Gerhart tends to make use of a logical formalism considerably narrower than the set- theoretic system which we assume. This does not make the possible range of praa transformations stand out in its full generality; in particular, certain important technical issues connected with the set-theoretic operator '^', which selects an arbitrary element from a set, are m.issed. (c) Our treatment is rather more polished and systematic than that found in the papers cited. Although these differences cumulatively seem to have significant implications for the usability of a correct- praa system, perhaps it is fairest to say that our approach differs from that of Gerhart more in pragmatic than in theoretical terms . The techniques sketched below seem to the author to open the way toward a practical technology guaranteeing program correctness; in this, we agree enthusiastically with Gerhart. To bring this technology into existr^nce, one would have to implement a praa-verif ication/manipulation system like that which we will describe; features which can strengthen this system from the human-factors point of view should be energetically sought out and incorporated into it. Of course, a correct-praa manipulation system should be interactive. Once such a system was established, one croup of algorithm developers c3ould enter root praas, with full, formally verified proofs of their correctness into it; the application programmers who were the verification system's main users would then inter- actively combine these root praas into the larger programs that they required. An intermediate group of 'subsystem developers ' might expand important, initially succinct and highly general, root praas into forms particularly convenient for particular classes of applications, and also supply -9- fleshed out praas and groups of praas as verified code blocks, procedures, and procedure libraries of intermediate size. In section 2, following, we will develop all the bases of our method. In section 3 we illustrate the use of the method, specifically by proving the correctness of a simple high level algorithm ('sorting by counting') , whose root form we will initially describe by a succint, very high level text, which will then be manipulated systematically and converted by stages into a correct assembly-language version of the same algorithm. The material in section 3 is best viewed as a partial hand simulation of the use and nature of a verification/manipulation system of the sort we envisage. Note that since the present paper is intended to be a convincing description of such a verification/manipulation system rather than a detailed specification for a particular system of this kind, we shall formalize only to a degree felt to he helpful and intuitively convincing , but not more. In particular, full syntactic specifications and inductive definitions, which the authors of papers on program correctness are sometimes zealous to present, will be painted in with no heavier a brush than seems appropriate. Techniques like those which we will now describe can be used to develop correct parallel programs and also to prove the correctness of logical circuit designs. Note that the problem of proving the correctness of logical circuit designs, especially for logical circuits which store information internally and thus have very large niombers of states, is an important though little-studied problem. -10- 2* ?J25£?r'Fip2"-P^Si:'5'3?.'_?fPP^ J?^?^li^?' H"'"- ^'J*^£/_%l5£' Code Transfornatior P^Jlfs^ a . Prograirnning i,an gu a cje . Our prograrurting language SL adr.iits all the objects of (Zernielo-Frankel ) set theory into its semantic universe; this includes all sets whether finite or infinite, all irappings, plus integers and the set of all integers in their ordinary set- theoretic sense. We are even happy to adndt transfinite ordinals and cardinals, etc., though as a natter of fact in the present paper we shall rriake no use of these esoteric objects. We allov/ the rdnimal basic vocabulary of set theory to be extended in the usual way by the definition of new sets, predicates, and terms. Thus, for example, we will feel free to write oneone(s,t) for the set of all one-to-one mappings from the set s into the set t, etc. It is left to the reader to work out or look up the detailed definitions which reduce this notion and all others like it to the very spartan collection of primitives actually present in the axioms of set theory. /ny valid expression of set theory is also a valid expression of our programining language. ^,side from all of this, which we swallow at a gulp, our language is very conventional. Each program in it consists of a main hlocJ< , whose first st8tem:ent is its entr-y , plus some finite numb;er of auxiliary functions . The syntactic form of a function is illustrated by (1) function /name (pa2'-, ... ,par ) ; function _body end; Both fname and par,,...,par are simple tokens, fname is the name of the function and pav^, . . . ,par^ are its parameters. The function_body in (1) is a block, that is, a list of statements. All the functions appearing in a program are required to have different names. It will be convenient for us to assunie that function names are distinguished lexically -11- from the variable names appearing in a program. VJe assumie that none of the arguments or variables appearing in any function appear in any other function; that is, all variables and arguments are strictly local to the function in which they appear. Statem.ents may be labeled, and with more than one label if desired. The form of a labeled statement is (2) L, :L„:...:L : unlabeled statement . 1 2 n — A given label can precede only one statement, and that only once We allow unlabeled statemerts of only a few forms: (a) Simple assignment statement: variable = expression', (b) Conditional transfer statement: if boolean_expression then go to label; The unconditional transfer is regarded as an abbreviation for i_f true then go to label. (c) Function-call statement: variable = fname {expn^ , , . . ,expr ) , where fname is the name of a function having n parameters, and expn, , . . . ,expn are a like number of expressions. (d) Selection operator and selection statement: the operator sexpn selects an arbitrary element of the set-valued expression expn, and aborts if expn has the null-set value nl_. We allow the selection-statement form variable = 3expn . (e) Return statement: return expression; where expression is an arbitrary expression. -12- This completes the list of the statements of our basic language. Subsequently we will find it convenient to allow other more or less conventional language forms and language features (e.g. while loops, if- then-else constructions) as well, but in every case these additional features will be regarded merely as syntactic abbreviations for combinations of the fundamental statenients (a) -(e). All of the statemient forms (a) -(e) are given their conventional semantics. Concerning function calls, our semantic assuiTiption is that calls are allowed to be recursive, and that arguments are transmitted 'by value with delayed value return', that is, by incarnating an instance of the function for each call, and setting its parameters equal to the arguments of the call when the call operation begins, and then by setting the target variable of the call (c) to the value of the return expression (set (e) ) when luxe caii o::jeration is terminated by a return statement. We assume that a statement if^ C then go to L can never appear in a function unless the label L appears in the same function. A function is assumed never to modify its parameters. (b) Proof Formalism and Proof Rules The variables of a program Q consist of the variables which occur explicitly within it, plus an indefinite collection of additional variables wh.-' ch we keep in reserve for use during manipulation of the program, (more properly, of a praa obtained by adding assumptions and assertions to the program) . We regard these extra variables as denoting values which the original form of the program Q neither reads nor writes. The Tplaces it of a program are all those (syntactic) points in the program text which either immediately precede (the body of) an unlabeled statement, follow (the body of) such a statement, or which either precede or follow a label in the program. The entry _place of a program is the place preceding its first statement. A -program proposition P is any syntactically well-formed predicate formula of set- -13- theory involving only the variables of the program as free variables. A propositioti-at-a-place is a pair (P,it) consisting of a program proposition P and a program place tt . We shall often choose to use the symbol P to denote (P,it) . A proposition-at-a- function is a pair (P,fnaine) consisting of the name of one of the functions appearing in (the program of) a praa, together with a syntactically well-formed set- theoretic predicate P containing exactly n+1 variables, where n is the number of parameters of the function fname; thus P may be written as P = P (res,a^, ,a^) . By E we shall always denote some finite set of proposi- tions-at-a-place or -at-a-f unction in a praa R that we are studying. The central formal elements of our proof formalism will be assertions of the form E | — P where P is a proposi- tion-at-a-place or -at-a-f unction. VJe will begin by explaining the meaning of such assertions, and then by listing a number of properties of such assertions which foil cw easily from the semantics which we have assigned to our language SL (and which could readily be proved formally if we bothered to write out a formal definition, in terms of 'state sequences', for this semantics). Then, having listed these properties, we can abandon all direct consideration of the states and semantics of SL, and shall use only the listed properties of the E |— P relationship to deduce correctness. However, before doing so, it is appropriate that we should give formal defini- tion to the notion of a praa and of the correctness of a praa. Definition: (a) A praa R is a program Q (of the language SL) , together with two sets E, E' of propositions-at-places and -at- functions of Q. The set E is called the set of assumptions of R and the set E' is called the set of assertions of R. (b) The praa R is said to be correct or to be valid • £ r 1 T^"^ J r I ^fname ^ ~tt t^tt , ^^fname . if E t~ P and E | — P, , for all P and P, in the set of assertions of R, where E is the set of assumptions of R. -14- To indicate that a praa R is valid we will often find it convenient to write ]> R [=set(s) & f G sing val maps (s , reals) place = n£ ; s' = n£.; . Loop: j — place G one one miaps (s ', integers) & (Vy G s') #{zGs I f (z) < f (y) } < place (y) < #(z^s 1 f(z) < f(y) V (f(z)=f(y) & zGs')}; if s = s' then go to Lout; /* note in what follows */ x = 3(s-s'); /* that Q represents 'undefined' */ place(x) = #{z£s|f (z) then [tt^]E !-( (3x') (P(x' ,other_vars) & P, (x,expn, (x' ,other_vars) , . . . expn (x* ,other_vars) ) ) (Consider a computation c from ir^ to 3^ satisfying E. then the section of c between the last call to f and the next matching return receives the values y . = expn . (x,other-vars) as parameters, and if val denotes the value of the expression appearing in this return statement the relationship F- (val,y, , . . . ,y ) holds. Hence, if we let x' designate the value which this variable x has immediately before the function call at 3_ , then both P (x' ,other_vars) and P^ (x,expn, (x* ,other_vars) , . . . ,expn (x' ,other_vars) ) are valid at the place 3^ , immediately after return.) (j) (Selection operator proof rule) If 3_ , X = Bexp (x,other_vars) , 3^ , (where expn is any expression depending on the variables of R) , tt^ ?^ 3^ t and [it ]E 1— (P (x,other_vars) ) ~, then [TT,]E |- (3x') (P(x',other_vars) & xS expn (x' ,other_vars) ) . (By much the same justification as that offered for (f ) , except that in this case we know only that x g expn (x' ,other_vars) rather than x = expn (x* ,other_vars) ) . (k) (return statements) If 3_ / return expn, 3^ , and TT ?^ 3_i^ , then [tt ]E |- (false) "*". (Since no computation can reach the place 3^) • In order to give comfortable form to the proof rules which apply to the place tt immediately following a label L, it will be convenient to assume 3_ /L:, 3^f to let -19- 3_ , . . . , B_ denote all the places in the program Q which iminediately precede a statement of the form if^ C then go to L (with the same label L) , and, for each of these places (J) (i) ^-'^ 3 -^ , to let C (vars) be the boolean expression occurring (0) (i) ^_'P+ in the if-statement immediately following &_ (while C is simply taken to be the constant expression true) . Moreover, with each such L we introduce m+1 additional boolean constants, which we shall write as from ... , j = 0,...,m. (In heuristic terms, from ... denotes the condition that one has just arrived at the label L from the place B_-' ) . Using these notations, we can state the proof rules applying to labels as follows: (5,) (With the above notations) If tt^ 7^ 6^ / then [7T^]E h (fro^^(o) V ... V from (^)) (m) (with the above notations) If [■n^]E |— (P(vars)) then B^^\&^ 6^ [TT ]E [-(from ... => (C (vars) & P(vars))) ■*■ B_ (Both of these are obvious if we consider computations to g. which reach B. either by a step from 3_ or by a conditional transfer from B_ , j >^ 1) . Function calls bear some resemblance to go to operations, and thus it is convenient to use auxiliary boolean variables like those introduced in connection with labels to state the proof rule which applies to function entrances. Specifically, if f names a function in the praa R with program Q, then we let B^''"^/.../3 denote all the places in Q which immediately precede any call x = f (expn^, . . . jexpn^^) to f. For each j we let expn,^ ^ ^ , . . . ,expn ^^ ^ denote the argument ■J ^ 1 "^ m (j) expressions which appear in the call immediately following B -20- For each such f, we introduce n boolean constants, which we shall write as from ... , j = l,...,n. We let tt be the place iitur.ediately "^fol lowing the header statement of f, i.e., iirmediately preceding the first executable statement of f. (n) (With the above notations) If tt 7^ tt , then [•n,]E \- (from ,,, v ... v from , .)'" -L Q ( 1 J gin) (o) (With the above notations) If P is a predicate c and if whose only free variables are the paramieters yw-../y of f. [7T^]E I— (P(expnp' ,. . . ,expnp^ )) ^^ then B. [TT^]E h (from^ =* P(yir..wy-^)) ^ . Note that all non-parameter variables of f must be excluded from P, since when f is called a comipletely new 'incarnation' of it will be built, and in this incarnation the value of all non-parameter variables will have unknown values. This could complete our list of elementary proof rules? however, it is convenient to give a somewhat more extensive list, and in particular to give rules which cover the usual syntactic extensions of our basic language. The principal syntactic extensions which we propose to allow are as follows: (p) (while-loops) As usual, we regard the construction while C; code end while; as an abbrevi- ation for Loop: inc then go to Lout; code ; go to Loop; Lout : ... where Loop, Lout are labels which do not appear elsewhere. -21- The program place immediately following the label 'Loop' is called the head of the while-loop. The proof rule applying in this case is as follows: if 6_ , while ... end while , 6 , if 3 is the head of the while loop, if it, 7^ 3 and tt, is not within the while loop, if the loop cannot be entered except through 3, and if B B ,3+ [tt ]E |— P and E |— P " , then [tt^]E |— (HC & P) . This is an obvious consequence of the if-statement proof rule. (q) (if -then -else) We regard the construction if C then oodel else aode2 end if; as an abbrevia- • tion for if nc then go to Ll , code 1 go to L2 ; Ll : code2; L^ I • • • where Ll, L2 are labels which do not appear elsewhere. If we introduce notations for places by 3_/ i£ C then, B-^, . . . ,^2' £l^/ B^f-.wB^, end if, 6^ , and assume that tt ?^ B , tt 7^ g , and t^.t^B, , then the following proof rules apply: 3 6, if [v^]l \- P , then [tt^JE |^- (P & C) 3 e- (ql) (q2) (q3) if [tt ]E [— P ~ , then [tt^]E [~ (P & He) 3. if [-rr^lE \- V^ and [TT_^]E I- V^ , p , then [TT_^]£ I- (P^ V P2) . All these are straightforward consequences of proof rules stated earlier. (r) (Indexed assignment) We allow the familiar syntactic form (3) var (expn. ) = expn^ to be used, but regard this as an abbreviation for the simple assignment -22- (4) var = {] U {x e var JHpair (x) v(pair (x) &hd (x)7^ej;p?7 ) } ; Here pair(>:) is the set-theoretic predicate which is true if and only if x is an ordered pair, and hd_ is the set- theoretic function which sends each ordered pair into its first coipponent. The proof rule for (3), which we shall not bother -o vvrite out explicitly, follows at once if we apply rule (g) to (4). Note in this sanie connection that var{expn] is allowed as an abbreviation for {tJ_(x), x e yar|pair(x) & hd(x) = expn] , where t_£ is the set-theoretic function which sends each ordered pair into its second component, and that var {expn) abbreviates 3 {var {expn}). (s) (Multiple assignment and superselection operator) As we will see in the following subsection, the selection operator aS is of particular significance, since at the place imiinediately following an assignment x = 3S we know nothing about x other than the fact that it is a member of s. Thus if we replace the statement x = 3S by any correct, single entry, single exit praa R, which changes no variable of F other than x and for which the assertion (x G s) is available at the exit place B, of R, , then the praa R containing the statement x = 3s remains correct. This statem.ent is an essential key to construction of correct praas by combination; in exploiting it, we will often want to make use of a code sequence temp = 3{| C(u. , — ,u^, other vars)}; 1 n i n — X, = temp(l); ...; x = temp (n) ; here, temp is assumed to be a 'temporary' variable not occurring elsewhere in a praa R, and temp(j) denotes the j-th component of its n-tuple value. It is convenient to allow this important code sequence to be abbreviated by the syntactic form -23- (6) = where C(u, ,...,u ,vars) . 1 n 1 n 1 n The proof rule for this staterr.ent is an iirmediate consequence of the selection and assignment rules given above, and can be stated as follows: Let B (resp. £ ) be the place which imiriediately precedes (resp. follows) a ' superselection ' statement of the form (6). Then if F I — (P(x, ,...,x , other vars) ) ", i n — it follows that E 1^ ((3u, ,...,u ) P(u,,...,u ,other_vars) K & C(u,,...,u , other vars)) In — (t) (Shadow- Variable Principle) 'Shadow' variables are variables occurring neither in the initial nor in the final form of a praa, but introduced into intermediate forms of it (during manipulation) to facilitate praa proofs that would otherwise be difficult or even impossible. The rules which govern the introduction and removal of shadow variables play an essential role in verification; generally speaking, proof rules like those given in the present section are incomplete without supplementary shadow-variable rules , but become complete as soon as a few simple shadow-variable rules are introduced. For this reason we have felt it necessary to mention the shadow-variable issue here, even though detailed statement of the rules connected with shadow variabels is postponed to the following subsection ('Code Transformation Pules') into which it fits more naturally. A general objection to the preceding rules is that they do not provide any sufficiently powerful method for eliminating assumptions from a praa. For this reason, the two following principles are of fundamental importance. -24- Lemma (Induction principle for propositions-at-a-place) . Let TT be a place in a praa R with variables vers. Let E be a set of propositions of R, and let P be a Proposition at tt . Let &_ , L, IT, so that the place it immediately follows a label L, and let B_ ,...,£_ denote all the places in the program Q which immediately precede a statement of the form ^f C then go to L (with the same label L) . For each of these places 3_ / let C '"^ (vars) be the boolean expression occurring in the conditxonal transfer statement iirmediately (i ) 6 ^^^ TT following 3_ (while C ~ ' is the constant expression true) . Then, if tt^ f^ tt and [tt ] E u {p^} |_ (c^'" '^ ^ P)^'--^ for all j = 0,...,m, it follows that [tt ]E f— P . Lemma (Induction principle for propositions-at-a-function) Let f name a function in a praa P having variables vars. Let E be a set of propositions of R, and let P be a proposition at f. Let TT bo the place immediately following the function statement which heads f (so that tt immediately precedes the first •executable' statement of f ) . Suppose that the places in f which immediately precede return statements are p^,...,p , and let expn^ , . . . ,expn denote the expressions which appear in the corresponding return statements. Let the parameters of f be X. ,...,x . Then if [tt]E u {p^} |- (P (expn . ,x , . . . ,x ) ) ^ J- n J -c -^ ^^ for j = l,...,m, it follows that [tt^^] E [— P for any place tt^, Proof of the first induction principle; Suppose the contrary. Let c be a computation from, tt to tt satisfying E but not P^, and suppose that c is of mdnimum length among all computations having this property. Truncate the last step of c, thus obtaining a computation c' one step shorter, which is to one of the places B_-' . Because of the minimality o^ c, ^(j) c' satisfies P^, and thus since [tt^]E u {p^} \- (C^- '^ =* P) P clearly holds for the final state of c, a contradiction which proves our assertion. Q.E.d. -25- Proof cf the second induction principle: Suppose the contrary. I-et c be a computation from [tt.] to a place immedi- ately following a call of f . Suppose that c satisfies E but not P , and suppose also that c is of minimum length among all computations having this property. Then a final section c- of c must go from tt to an invocation of f, and from there through f to the place immediately following this invocation and have the property that within c^ tnere occur as many states at places preceding call statem.ents as at places following call statements. Let X ',..., X be the values assigned to the variables x,,...,x_ in in by the initial state of Cp. Truncate the last step of c„, thus obtaining a computation c' one step shorter, which is to one of the places p.. Because of the minimality of c, c' satisfies P . -' f P-i Since [Tr]E u {p } [- (P (expn . , x^ , . . . , x^) ) -" , it then follows that Cq satisfies P^. If c_ is the part of c which precedes c^, then it is clear from the minimality of c that f f c satisfies P . Hence altogether c satisfies P , a contradiction which proves our assertion. Q.E.D. To use the proof rules described in the preceding pages to prove the correctness of a root praa R, we will generally proceed in the following way. Initially, R will be a program text annotated with assumptions but with no assertions. Clearly, any praa containing assumptions but no assertions is correct. The proof rules will then be used to deduce various assertions; any particularly significant 'output assertion' playing a significant role in the use of R should be included among the assertions deduced. Then finally, the first and second induction lemmas stated just above will be used to remove superfluous assumptions; in many cases, the only surviving assumption will be an input assumption characterizing the data objects on which R will work properly. In writing out the text of a praa, it will be useful to distinguish between assumptions which are to remain in the final fully 'proved' version of the praa and assumptions -26- introduced temporarily but to be removed as the praa is manipulated. In order to make this distinction vivid, we shall mark assumptions of the latter, purely tem.porary, class with the prefixed sign \zz rather than [^; and then each use of one of the two inductive lemmas just stated transforms some occurrence of the sign f= into an occurrence of | — . Note that the temiporary assumptions which appear in our formalism often correspond closely to the 'loop invariants' of the Floyd and Hoare formalisms . We can use the 'counting sort' praa shown earlier to illustrate the general v;orkings of our proof form.alism. To prove the counting sort praa correct, we begin by striking out the output assertion which it contains, and by converting the assertion appearing at the place immiediately following the label 'Loop' to an assumption. This gives a praa which, since it contains no assertions, is certainly correct. From this applying the proof rules stated in the preceding pages to add assertions, we obtain the following, still correct, praa. (Note that relatively elem.entary set- theoretic reasoning has been applied to deduce one assertion from another at various fixed places in the praa shown below; in a fully formalized system, justification of this reasoning to the satisfaction of a logical proof verifier would be the most onerous part of our total verification procedure. We do not show the detailed steps of this reasoning, but the reader who wishes to m.aster our proof technique is strongly urged to reconstruct it.) -27- ^ set{s) & f G sing_val_maps (s , reals) place = n£ ; s' = n£; I — place e one one maps (s ', integers) & (Vyes') #{zes| f (z)_f (y) =* #{a£s|f (z)nl 'm^ 1 place ^Y^' immediately following the label L . . Suppose that in R each of the labels L. , j = l,...,k appears in the context (8) B^^^ = where C^ (u^ u^,x^, . . . ,x^) ; L . : i.e., follows a where statement of the indicated form, and that if E designates the assiunptions of R we have -31- (9) E |- ({Vuw...,u ) (c!(u ,...,u , X ,...,x ) ' ± n 3 i n 1 m (J) C^(Uir>.>/ U_^ fX^f.../ XjQ J ) ) for j = l,...,k. Suppose finally that ifl<_i7^j<_k we have 3(i) (10) E |- (Vuj^, . . . ,u^) (Hc! (u^, . . . ,u^,x^, . . . ,x^) ) Then if we fuse R and R, together by modifying them in the following way, the praa R' which results is still correct: (i) Replace each of the k where statements (8) appear- ing in R by the statement go to L; (ii) Add the functions of R, , with all their assumptions and assertions, to the collection of functions of R; (iii) If R, is insertable into the main block of R, then insert the main block of R, at any place in R immediately following an unconditional go to statement. If R, is insert- able into the function f of R, then insert the main block of R- at any place in f immediately following an unconditional go to or a return statement. In either case, the text of R. should be inserted into R along with all the assumptions and assertions present in it, and the labels L. , j = l,...,k originally present in the text of R, should be suppressed, leaving only one copy of these labels in R , namely those copies originally present in R. To convince ourselves of the correctness of the praa R' to which this rather complex and general substitution rule leads us, we can reason as follows. Consider a computation c' which starts at the entry place of R' and satisfies all the assumptions of R'. We can decompose c' into a sequence of subsections CwC ,c ,c , . . . ,c ,c , where each c. is a computation in R and each c . is a computation in R, ; c. always starts at the entry place of R, (and if j < n) goes to some -3 2- place 6 -' immediately preceding one of the go to L. statements in R-, . Consider one of the subcomputations c., j < n, let V, ... v' be the values assigned to the variables x, ,...,x by the first state of c . , and let 1 m. -" J ' V, ... V be the values assigned to these variables by the 1 m _ ^ final state of c • . Clearly v' = v, for n < k < m, and equally clearly all the sta; et of c . assign the same value to any variable not mentioned in R^ . VJhat we must show is that if the state of c' imraediately preceding c. is at the ( t ) - (i) ' ^ place B_ , then c . goes to the palce £ ; and that the values Vt,...,v' are values that could be assigned to In X , . . . ,x by the where statement (8) , which is the same as requiring that C. (v^ , . . . ,v ,v! , . . . ,v' ) . Since vie assume that the R-effect of R, to the place £_; is governed by I C (x, ,...,x ,x, ,...,x ), and taking note of (9), we see that io-Lnim ^ I c ) we have only to prove that the final state of c_. is at g Suppose this to be false, so that the final state of c . is (i) -' at some £_; for which i 7^ j . Then we would have c!(v^,...,v ,v',...,v'), so that the proposition il nl m r-r- (3v- ... V ) C!(v, ,...,v , x,,...,x ) would hold for the 1 n , J . 1 1 n i m. state at £_ which immediately precedes the first state of c . . By (10), this is impossible. Note in connection with all this that since each c . is a valid computation of P., , the computation c satisfies all the assertions and assiamptions of R , in addition to all the assertions and assumptions of R. When the block substitution rule (e) is applied, the next few rules v/ill often be useful. (l.f) Let x^ , . . . X be variables of R not otherwise 1 n appearing in P. Let (11) B_, = where P^^^ (u^^ , . . . ,u^, vars) & P^iu^^^^^, . . . ,u^,vars) ,B_ Then the where statement in (11) can be replaced to give (12) 3_r^i^> = <^i' ' • • '^n,^ where P^ (u^, . . . ,Uj^,vars) ; x, — X, ; X2 — ^2 ' ' • ' ' ^j, ~ ^n ' ' + -33- The new places introduced into R by this substitution should initially carry no assumptions or assertions. Conversely, if R contains the code text (12), if the variables x, ,...,x' appear nowhere else in R, and if no assumptions or assertions are present in (12) except perhaps at the places 3_ and 6 , then (12) can be replaced by (11) , in which case any assumptions and assertions present at 6_ or B, in (12) should be carried over to the corresponding places in (11) . (This rule can be obtained by combining rule (l.b) above with the dead variable and redundant assignment rules to be stated shortly.) (l.g) Any occurrence of the expression 3{expn] in a correct praa R can be replaced by an occurrence of expn , and conversely. The following proof rule follows by the argument given in justification of (l.e) : (l.h) (Subblock transformation principle) Let R be a praa, and let B be a block of code in R having only one entry. Let T\ immediately precede the first statement of B, let tt be a place in B, and let tt^ be a place not in B. Let R' be the praa consisting of B and of all the functions which might be called directly or indirectly from a statement of B. Let v, ,...,v be the set of all variables of B which are not dead at r] , let v, , . . . ,v be variables of R which appear nowhere else in R. Let vars be the variables of R, E be the assumptions of R, let E' be the subset of these assump- tions which are at places in R' , and let P = P(v, ,...,v ,vars) be a predicate having exactly the indicated free variables. Then if in R' we have [t]] E' u {(v^=v| &...& v^=Vj^)^} I- (P(v]_,...,VjJ^,vars))^ and if in R we have [Tr^]E |— (P^ (v, , . . . ,v )) for a predicate P, with the indicated free variables, then in R we have [71^] E |- ( (3v^, . . . ,Vj^) ^i^v^, . . . ,v^) & P(v^, . . . ,Vj^,vars) )^. Auxiliary General Travis formation Rules. Next we shall state a class of rules which are general in that they can be applied both to praas and to programs. However, we shall be careful to state the forms of these rules which apply to praas. We continue to assume that R is a valid praa, and of course all the transformations we describe will preserve praa validity. GAoap J: Labtt-fi(Ltate.d. fiutz^ . (2. a) A label L not otherwise appearing can be inserted anywhere in R, thus introducing a new place it imjnediately following L, with no assumptions or assertions at r, . (2.b) If there is no i_f ... then go to L statement in R referencing a given label L, and 3_,L:,3,/ then we can move all the assertions and assumptions at B. to 3 , and remove L, thus eliminating the place B , • (2.c) The statement B_ , if^ false then go to L, 3 , can be eliminated, provided that we move all assumptions and assertions at 3, to 3_ and then eliminate 3+ • Similarly, a statement of this form can be inserted anywhere in a praa, thus introducing a new place tt immediately following it, with no assumptions or assertions at tt . (2.d) In the special context 3_, _if C then go to L; L: ,3^, we can delete the if -statement , provided that all the assumptions and assertions at 3_ are moved to the place following the if-statement and that the place 3_ is eliminated. Conversely, if L is a label not otherwise occurring, we can introduce the combination if C then go to L; L: at any point in R, thus introducing two new places, initially with no assumptions or assertions at either of these places. (2.e) (Will-go-to rule) If tt, if C then go to L, 3^; if the statement following the label L is if C^ then go to LI , if an assertion P is available at tt and if P & C =» CI, then the state- ment if_ C then go to L may be replaced by if^ C then go to Ll, and conversely. -35- (2.f )( Wont-go-to-rule) If it, if C then go to L,B^; if the context following L is if^ C^ then go to LI; L2 : if the assertion P is available at tt , and if P & C =^ ~IC1, then the statement if C then go to L may be replaced by if_ C then go to L2 , and conversely. (2.g) (Go-to splitting) Given any boolean expression C, , the statem>ent if^ C then go to L can be replaced by the pair of statements _if C & C^ then go to L; if C & nc, then go to L . This introduces a new place between the two if-statements , and initially there will be no assumptions or assertions at this place. (2.h) (Go-to combination) The contiguous pair of statements 3_, if^ C, then go to L; i_f C„ then go to L,6, can be replaced by the single statement if C, V C then go to L; provided that all assumptions (resp. assertions) at the place thereby abolished are moved to the place B_ (resp. B, ) . The go-to rules that we have just stated can be seen to have a certain interesting completeness property: essentially, all other rules involving ao-to's only can be obtained from these rules. Nevertheless, other more 'compound' go- to rules are worth stating as conveniences. A useful rule of this type is (2.i) (Interchange of successive if-statements) If 6_, i_f C, then go to Ll; i_f C then go to L , 8 , then the two successive if-statements can be replaced by the combination if C„ '^ ~1C1 then go to L2; if CI then go to Ll; provided that all assumptions and assertions P at the place IT between 6 and 6. are converted to assumptions 3 and assertions ("1C,'*P) " at 3_. To derive rule (2.i) from the preceding rules, we can proceed as follows: Given -36- if C, then go to Ll; if Cry then go to L2; use rule (2.d) and then rule (2.g) to get if C2 '^ ~1C, then go to L; if C2 A c, then go to L; L: if CI then go to Ll; if C2 then go to L2; where L is a label not otherwise occurring. The second line is superfluous by (2.d); (2.e) can be used to replace the occurrence of L in the first line by Ll; the label L can IT then be dropped; and since the assertion |— (~IC2) i.e, (C2 = false)" , can be deduced at the place tt iimnediately preceding the final if^ statement, equality substitution can be used to replace this statement by i£ false then go to L2, which (2.c) allows us to remove. The transformation of i_f C then go to L into if ~1 C then go to L ' ; go to L ; L ' : where L' is a label not otherwise occurring, is a special case of ( 2.i) . The enthusiastic reader can amuse herself by using the go to related rules stated above to justify the following well known while loop transformation, in which Bl and B2 designate arbitrary praa subblocks; transform whi Le C; if CI then Bl else B2 end if; end while; into while C; while C & CI; Bl end while; while C & "ici; B2 end while; end while; -37- (This transformation introduces new places into a praa; neither assumptions nor assertions will initially be present at these new places . ) (2.j) (Isomorphic code rule) Consider two disjoint subsections s,,s_ of a praa R, each beginning with a label. Suppose that both are contained within the same function of R (resp. the 'main' program of R) , and that both consist of unbroken contiguous sequences of program statements running up to a final go- to or return statement. Then s. and s- are said to be isomorphic if the statements, assumptions, and assertions of s^ can be converted into the corresponding statements, assumptions, and assertions of s- simply by replacing each occurrence of any label attached to a statement of s^ by the label appearing in the corresponding place in s^. Rule: If s, and s. are isomorphic, then any statement of the form if C then go to LI, where LI is a label of s^ , can be replaced by i£ C then go to L2, where L2 is the corresponding label of s_. Using this rule and the dead code insertion rule (l.d) , we can readily derive the following rule, which is often convenient. (2.k) (Isolated block duplication) A subsection of a praa is said to be isolated if it consists of an unbroken contiguous sequence of program statements running from an immediately preceding go-to or return statement, up to and including a final go-to or return statement. A place ir in a praa is said to be safe if the assertion {false) is available (so that execution can never reach it) . Rule: A duplicate of any isolated subsection s of a praa R may be inserted at any safe place in R, provided that a subsection belonging to a given function (resp. to the main block of R) is inserted only in a place belonging to the same function (resp. the main block) , provided that each -38- occurrence of all the labels L attaching to statements in the duplicated section are changed to occurrences '^^ ^^^ labels L net otherwise appearing in R, and provided that all the assumptions and assertions at places within the section being duplicated are also duplicated = When s is duplicated, any statement of the form if C then go to L may be changed to if. C then go to L ' , where L is a label in s and L' is the label in the duplicate section which corresponds to L. Note that if we apply rule (2.k) in a manner which makes all the code in s dead, then it reduces to a rule isolated code sections to be moved to any safe place in a praa. The following rules, which are easy consequences of (2.j) and (2.k), are sometimes useful. (2.£) (Go-to-pulling) If 3_, 22. to L, 3^ , and if the context following the label L is L: statement; L':, then 6 , go to L can be replaced by 3_, statement; go to L',B^; provided that every assertion and assumption present at the places before and after statement in its initial context is carried over to the appropriate place before or after the new copy of statement . (2.m) (Go-to pushing) If 6_/ statement; go to L' , 6.^; if the context preceding the label L' is L: statement; L ' : ; if precisely the same assumptions and assertions appear at the place 6_ as at the place following the label L, and if precisely the same assumptions and assertions appear at the place preceding the statement go to L' as at the place preceding the label L', then B_, statement; go to L ' , B^ can be replaced by 6 _, go to L, B^. When this change is made, the assvimptions at B_ can be dropped, and the assertions at B_ kept. The next few rules state various obvious facts having to do with the use of labels. (2.n) (Assertion movement) In the context B_f L^:L2:,B^ any assertion at the place tt between L^ and L^ can be moved back to B and any assumption at tt can be moved forward to B^- -39- (2.o) (Label permutation) If there are no assumptions or assertions at the place between L^ and L-, then L^:L_ can be replaced by L_:Lw any statement if^ C then go to L, ; can be replaced by ijE C then go to L„, and conversely. Croup 2: Rules relating to assignment statements . (3. a) An assignment statement of the form x = x can be inserted anywhere in R, thus introducing a new place tt immediately following it, with no assumptions or assertions at IT. Conversely, if 6_, x = x, B, then the statement X = X can be deleted, provided that we move all the assumptions and assertions at B_ to B, and eliminate B_. (3.b) Definition. A variable x of R is said to be dead at a place tt in a praa if there is no path from it through the prograiri Q of R which reaches a use of x (either in a program statement or in an assertion or assumption) without first passing through some assignment whose target variable is x. If IT is a place at which the variable x is dead, then an assignment statement x = expn or x = Bexpn can be inserted immediately before tt , thus introducing a new place 7r_ immediately preceding the assignment statement, with no assumptions or asser- tions at tt_. Conversely, if 'tt_, x = expn, t\ and x is dead at tt , then the statement x = expn can be deleted, provided that we move all the assumptions and assertions at tt_ to tt and delete tt_. (3.c) (Shadow variable rule) A family F of variables appear- ing in a praa R is said to be a shadow variable family if none of the variables of F appears either in the controlling boolean expres- sion C of any statement 'if^ C then go to L, in any assumption or assertion of R, or in any expression assigned to a variable not in F, Rule: If all assignments to the variables of a shadow variable family are deleted from R, then R remains correct. (3.d) (Renaming rule) The labels and the variables occurring in the statements, assumptions, and assertions of a praa can be renamed in any fashion, provided that every occurrence -40- of every variable and label receives the same new name, and provided that no two variables or labels having originally distinct names receive the same name. (3.e) (Dead variable re-use) Suppose that R is a correct praa, that x and x, are two variables of R which do not occur either in two different functions of R or one in a function and the other in the main block of R, that B is a subregion of R, that X is dead at every place in B, and that x^ is dead at every place of exit from B, i.e. every place which is either followed by (i) a statement i£ C then go to L, where the place following L is not in B; (ii) a statement return e; (iii) a statement if C then go to L, with C different from the constant true, and with the place following this statement not in B; (iv) a statement or label s of any other form, and with the place following s not in B. (We define the notion 'place of entry into B ' similarly, but do not give the details of this definition, leaving it to the reader to work them out.) Then if we replace every occurrence of x in B by an occurrence of x, , and then insert an assignment x = x, at every place of entry into B, R remains correct. Note: This rule can be derived by using rule (3.b) to insert the assignments x = x^ at every place of entry into B and assignments x = expn immediately prior to each assignment X, = expn with target variable x^. If this is done, then (x = x^)"^ will hold for each place ir of B, so that the equality substitution rule stated previously allows each occurrence of x^^ in an expression, assumption, or assertion in B to be replaced by an occurrence of x. After this replacement the assignments to X occurring in B become dead and rule (a.b) can be used to delete them. -41- Group S. Rules relating to function calls. (4. a) Any group G of functions which is never called either from the main block of a praa R or from any other function not in G can be removed, provided that all the assertions and assumptions at these functions and at places within them are removed at the same time. (4.b) (Moving code on-line) Any function call 6_, X = f(expn^, ,expn )/3^ can be replaced by the block of code constructed as follows: (i) Let ^i'""^^ ^^ ^^^ variables, y-^'-'-'^^ be the parameters, and L,,...,Lj^ be the labels occurring in the statements of f. Let y ' ,y-j^/ . . • ,yj!^ be a set of variables, and L ,L.,...,L, be c. set of labels, not otherwise occurring. (ii) Take the text of f, and using it build up an 'online variant' of f as follows: replace the header line of f by the set of assignments y^^ = expn^ ; -- - , Y^ = ^xpn^^ . Replace the trailer line ('end') of f by L': ^ Pi^y^yi'-'-'^m) I- P2(y''^l"*-'^m^ where P, (resp. V ) is the conjunction of all assumptions-at-f (resp. assertions-at-f ) (each of which is a proposition of I the form P (y ,y^, ,y^) . In the remaining text of f, replace every occurrence of the variable y. (including occurrences in assumptions and assertions) by an occurrence of y., j = l,...,n; and replace every occurrence of the label L . by an occurrence of L . , j = l,...,k. Then replace every ' return expn ' statement by y ' = expn ; go to L ' ; -42- (iii) Having in this way built up the online variant olvt of f, replace the function call x = f (expn, , . . . ,expn ) by olvt', X = y' . (4.c) (Moving code off-line) Let R be a correct praa, and let B be a siobsection of R all of which belongs either to a single function of R or to the main block of R. Suppose that B consists of a contiguous group of statements (with attached assumptions and assertions) , running up to but not including a label L . Suppose that no statement if C then go to L outside B involves a label L present inside B, and that no statement of this form inside B involves any label L outside B other than the label L . Let the variables appearing in the statements of B be ^i' ' ' ' '^m ' and suppose that of these variables the subcollection y, ,...,y are those not dead at the (necessarily unique) entry place of B, while the subcollection y, ,...,y^ are those modified by some statement of B. Let f be a function name distinct from the names of all functions in R, and intro- duce a new function with this name, as follows: (i) Let the labels attached to statements of B be L, ,...,L . Introduce new variables y ' /y-I / • - • ^y ' / ^\'--''^'^ and labels L' L',...,L' distinct from all the variables and 1 p labels occurring in R, and substitute yw...,y'^ L',L ',..., L' for yw...,y , L®,LwL_ , . . . ,L^ respectively in all the 1 m i. z p stateiiients , assumptions, and assertions of B, thereby obtaining a new text B ' . (ii) Choose n'>n, k'il, and surround B' by the following header and trailer lines: B' function f (yV , . . . /y^^i ) ; i'l =,yi'---'^n = ^n' return ; end; (iii) Add f to the collection of functions of R , introduce a new variable t not otherwise occurring, and replace B by the code fragment -43- t = f (yj^,...,yj^,); y,^, = t(l); ..., y^^, = y(k'-£'+l); Initially, no assertions or assumptions should be present at any of the places internal to this code fragment. The following rule, which allows one function call to be substituted for another, will often be useful in connection with applications of rule (c) . (4.d) (Isomorphic function rule) Let R be a correct praa, and let f and f be two functions of R. Suppose that there exists a 1-1 mapping which interchanges the variables and labels of f with the variables and labels of f in a manner which converts the parameters of f to the parameters of f, the sequence of statements constituting the code text of f into the text of f, the assumptions and assertions present at the various places of f to the corresponding assumptions and assertions present at the places of f ' , and vice-versa. Suppose that this same interchange converts the set of assumptions-at-f and assertions-at-f into the set of assumptions- and assertions-at-f ' , and vice-versa. Then any function state- ment X = f (expn, , . . . ,expn ) appearing in R can be changed to x = f ' (expn, , . . . ,expn ) , and vice-versa. (4.e) (Function call insertion) In order to state this transformation rule, it is convenient to make a preliminary definition. Let R be a praa with assumptions E. Let f,g be functions of R, and let tt be a place in g. Let P^ and P- be predicates at g and at tt respectively. Definition. We write [f]E |- P^ (resp. [f]E |- P^) if the assertion P^ (resp. P ) holds in the praa R' obtained by modifying R in the following way: letting x,x, ,...,x be variables of R not occurring elsewhere, replace the main block of R by the statement x = f {x^ , . . . ,x ) (i.e., by a single, direct call to f ) . -44- Rule: Suppose that R, E, and f are as above, and that for every assertion-at-a-f unction P^ and every assertion-at-a- place F, for which the place tt is within some function g of R we have [f]E |- P*^ and [f]E |- P^. (If this is the case, then we shall say that f allows entry.) Let tt ' be any place within R, and let x ' be a variable not otherwise occurring in R. Then if we insert the function call x' == f (expn, , . . . ,expn ); 1 m at TT ' , R remains correct. (No assertion or assumption should initially be present at the place following this newly inserted statement.) Note that the conditions [f]E ]- P^ and [f]E |- p!^ depend only on the set of functions of R, not on the main block of R. Application of transformation (4.e) will often be facilitated if the following simple proofrule is used first. (4.f) Let R be a praa, let f, g be functions in R, TT a place in g. Suppose that no sequence of function calls cp.n lead directly or indirectly from f to g . Let E be the set of assumptions of R. Then we have [f]E |— P-^ and [f]E |— p!' for any predicates P^ at g and P at tt respec- tively . It will often be appropriate to apply rule (e) in the context (13) B / = where C(u,, — ,u^,vars),S — i n i n in t thus replacing the where statement by one or more function calls. The following rule, easily derived from (4.e) , facilitates this kind of application. (4.g) Let R be a valid praa with assumptions E. Suppose that f is a function of R having m parameters, and that f allows entry. Suppose that expn^ , . . ,expn are expressions in the variables vars of R, and that in R there exist assertions -45- f p- P at f and P, at 3_ such that (14) E [— ((Vr) P, (vars) & P(r, expn, , . . , , expn ) B_ =* C(r (1) , . . . ,r(n) ,vars) ) Then if x' is a variable not otherwise occurring in K, the where statement in (13) can be replaced by a function call and a sequence of assignments, giving e_,x' = f (expn^ , . . . ,expnj^) ; x^ = x' (1) ; , x^ = x' (n) ; , 6^ Initially, no assertions or assumptions should be present at any of the places introduced when this replacement is made. To justify this transformation, we can reason as follows: By rule (4.e), a function call x' = f (expn. , . . . ,expn ) can be inserted immediately following B_. This introduces a new place it immediately following the function call. By the function call proof rule (i) of Section (2.b) above, the assertion |- (P (vars) & P (x' ,expn^, . . . ,expn^) ) holds at IT. Hence, using (14) , it follows that 1- (C(x' (1) ,...,x' (n) ,vars))^ also holds at ti . Rule (l.b) now tells us that the where statement in (13) can be replaced by the set of assignments x, = x'(l); ..., X = x'(n); which completes the proof that 1 n transformation rule (4.g) preserves validity. Q.E.D. -46- A general remark on praa transformation rules. Each of the transformation rules stated in the present section describes a procedure which manipulates the text of praas and which has the property that if its input is a correct praa then its output is also a correct praa. VJe can think of these procedures as collectively constituting the internal procedure library of an implemented praa- verif ication/ modification system VM whose essential property is that it will never accept a praa unless it is correct, and never modify a praa in a manner spoiling correct- ness. Given the initial procedure library of VM, other procedures which preserve correctness can of course be de-'/ised by com.pounding the procedures of VM. However, there exists a more general, and sometimes more efficient and conven- ient miethod for extending the set of rules for correct- praa transformation which a systemi like VM. will admit. Namely, a procedure which recognizes the boolean formula CORR(t) expressing the statement 't is the text of a correct praa' can be made part of VM; then, whenever VM has been used to prove the correctness of a praa R with the sin^if- assuit-ption ^ CORR(t) at its entry place and carrying the assertion |— CORR(t) at its exit place, the procedure defined by R can be accepted into VM. We call this 'meta-rule', which allows us to expand VM ' s internal procedure library, the metamathematical extensibility rule. Various technical issues connected with this rule and with related meta-rules applying to proof-checker programs will be discussed in a subsequent paper. -47- 3 . Praa-Manipulation Illustrated, a . Successive Ref ine:nftent . In the present section, we shall illustrate the use of the rules for correct-praa modification and combination stated in the preceding section, specifically by transforming the sort-by-counting praa considered in sections 1 and 2 into a series of more and more efficient forms expressed at steadily lower language levels, until finally we develop a correct praa embodying the same algorithm but expressed entirely in an assembly language. However, before doing so, it is appropriate both to comment on the intent of the sequence of examples to be given, and also to give general descriptions of a number of useful praa manipulation techniques. The praa manipulations described below are best regarded as scenarios depicting interactions with a hypotheti- cal, implementable but of course still unimplemented , inter- active, 'correctness-preserving editor'. Such a system will permit its user to make various changes in an initially given praa. The most elementary of these will be usable without constraint, but in the case of less elementary manipulations, justifying assertions will be demanded. These assertions are groupable into two pragmatically distinguishable classes: on the one hand, those whose proofs are simple and stereotyped enough to be generated rapidly by a program analysis system not much more complex than orogrcim analyzers/optimizers like those currently under development; on the other, assertions with proofs complicated enough for recourse to a full-fledged proof -verification program to be necessary. Our aim in taking the approach we do is to ensure that all, or at any rate most, of the proofs that need to be supplied in support of praa manipulation belong to the first (superficial) rather than the second (deeper) class. The illustrations to be given will hopefully create the impression that this is indeed the case; however, the reader should be warned that it is all too easy for an author to create this impression by casting formal arguments into natural language -48- forms which mask the irritating complications that arise when one must really communicate with an implemented system. Wishing to emphasize the fact that all the praa transfor- mations that we carry out are fully justified by the rules stated in the preceding sections, we shall pursue these trans- formations to quite a low level of detail, indeed to a level which could be left to a compiler, especially to a very high level compiler able to accept general directives concerning transformations to be applied and to refuse service when acceptable forms of the assertions needed to justify these transformations are not available. Of course, when we can do so it is even better to rely on an automated trans- formation system of this type than to use a praa manipulation system directly, since a system able to generate a class of program transformations will be able ipso facto to assume full responsibility for justifying these transformations. Certain commonly occurring and quite general transforma- tion techniques are of particular importance, and it is well to describe them before proceeding to any more specific discus- sion. To begin with, note the obvious fact that if we strengthen the assumptions of a praa R by adding new assumptions and by adding extra clauses P, which convert particular initial assumptions ^ P^ to stronger forms ^ (P & P-,)^, correctness will be preserved. The clauses P^ can involve free variables, i.e. new set-theoretic objects, which do not appear in the original form of R. Now it may be that the added clauses P, imply the clauses P originally present; then P^ =* P & P, , so that the hypotheses ^ (P & P-,)^ can be replaced by ^ P^ , and the resulting praa will still remain correct. The newly added assumptions P, may imply identities and inclusions not available in the original praa R, and these identities and inclusions can allow certain of the expressions originally present in the code text and assertions of R to be replaced by other expressions which involve the new objects, i.e. those appearing initially in the clauses P, , rather than the variables -49- originally present in R. If these old variables are not assignment-targets in R then this replacement can be carried out systematically, and we may even succeed in eliminating certain of the old variables completely from all the statements and assertions of R. When this happens, the only remaining occurrences of these variables x will be in the assumption clauses P, themselves. If such a point is reached, and assuming now that the only assumptions in which X appears are assumptions at the entry place tt of R, we can hope to apply the following Lemma (Variable Dropout) . If a variable x of R appears in the assumptions ^ P of a praa R at only the entry place IT of R, and never appears either in the program text or the assertions of R, then R will remain correct if each predicate P = P(x, other_vars) appearing in such an assumption P is replaced by ( 3 u^ P (u , other_vars) . Proof: Let R' be the praa obtained by modifying the assumptions ^ P in the manner indicated, and let c ' be a computation satisfying the assumptions of R. Let the 'other_vars' appearing in our hypothesis be Xw . . . ,x , let o, ,...,o be the values assigned to these variables by the first state of c', and let o be any set-theoretic object satisfying P(o,o, ,...o ). Then if we modify each state s' of c' by constructing a new state s for which s (x . ) = s ' (x . ) for all j = l,...,n and s (x) = o , we obtain an R-computation c which clearly satisfies all the assumptions of R. Thus c must satisfy all the assertions of R, which clearly implies that c' satisfies all the assertions of R'. Q.E.D. One common way of applying the technique just outlined will be to select certain variables x, ,...,x which appear in R but which R does not modify, then to introduce m new variables r, , . . . ,r and n set-theoretic functions * . (r, , . . . ,r ), 1 m Dim j = l,...,n, and to supplement the initial assumptions of R by the clauses x. = d).(r, ,...,r ), j = l,...,n. Then clearly J 3 ^3 1' ' m -^ -50- every occurrence of x . in a statement, assumption, or assertion can be replaced by an occurrence of (j) . (r, , . . . ,r ) ; and after 3 1 m this is done the only appearance of any of the variables x. will be in the clauses x. = 4) . (r, , . . . ,r ) themselves. But 3 ^3 1 ' ' m then the variable dropout lemma stated above allows these clauses to be replaced by (3 x) (x = 4; . (r, , . . . ,r ) ) . Since ()) . (r, , . . . ,rj^) = 4) . (r, , . . . ,r.^) this existentially quantified equality is universally true, and can therefore be dropped as an assumption. The overall effect of this is simply to substitute 4; . {r^ , . . . ,r^) for x. at each of its occurrences. This technique, which stands in exact analogy to the technique of generating new predicate theorems by substituting arbitrary terms for the free variables of old terms, may be called the method of substitution in a praa. Wliat may be called the technique of representatior goes beyond the substitution method that we have just described. This technique can be described as follows. Consider some sub- collection x,,...,x of the variables of a praa R, and consider all the expressions, occurring either in program statements and in assumptions/assertions, in which these variables appear. These expressions will have the form e(x,,...,x ,other_vars) . Some of these expressions will appear in assignments of the form (1) X. = expn(Xw...,x , other_vars) , j = l,...,n; others will appear in other contexts. We call expressions which appear in a context (1) active expressions , and call all other expressions expn (x, , . . . ,x ,other_vars) passive expressions . Suppose that we can find some collection r_,r-,...,r of auxiliary variables, together with (i) n set-theoretic functions 4)^(r ,...,r ,other_vars) , ..., cf) (r , . . . ,r^,other_vars) ; (ii) for each passive expression e (x, , . . . ,x ,other_vars) in which x, ,...,x appears, another expression e'(r, ,...,r , other vars) such that either 1 m — -51- (ii.a) e((t)^(r^,... ,r^,other_vars) , . . . '^n^^l' ■ ' • '^n,'°'ther_vars) ,other_vars) ) = e' (r^, . . . ,r^,other_vars) holds identically; or (ii.b) a proposition P{x,,...,x ,other_vars) , available in R immediately before the place of appearance of the expression e, such that the implication (2) P(({)^(r^, . . . ,rj^,other_vars) , . . . f4>j^(r-|^, . . . ,r ,other_vars) ,other_vars) => e((j)^(r^,. . . ,r^,other_vars) , . . . ,4)^ (r^ , , . . ,r^,other_vars) ,other_vars = e ' (r, , . . . ,r , other vars) 1 m — holds universally. (iii) For each active expression appearing in a context (3) x. = e(x, ,...,x , other vars) , J 1 m — a set of m set-theoretic expressions e.(r,,...,r .other vars), D 1 ni — j = l,...,m, and an assertion (P(x , ...,x ,other_vars) ) ^ known to be true at the place tt immediately preceding the assignment (3) , such that the implications (4a) P{e^ (r ,. .r .other vars) ,... ,e^(r, ,. . r , other vars) , other vars) ± ± m — mim — — => ^ (e^ (r^, . .r^,other_vars) , . . . /©^(r^, . .r ,other_vars) ,other_vars) = £ (r^, . . . ,r ,other_vars) for lf.i£n, i^^j and (4b) P (e^ (r^^, . .rj^,other_vars) , . . . ,e^{r^, . .r^,other_vars) ,other_vars) => . (ej^(r^, . .r^,other_vars) , . . . ,e^(r^, . . . ,r^,other_vars) ,other_var^. = e (({)^ (r^, . . . ,r^,other_vars) , . . . , ; ^1 = ^0^^^' •••' ^m = ^0^"^^ immediately before each assignment (3)- and after this, by introducing temporary assumptions (6) t=x. = (t).(r,,...,r , other vars) , 1 < i < n 1 il 'm — — — everywhere. Because of the inserted assignments (5) and the identities (4a) and (4b) , none of the assignment sequences (3, 5) spoil the assumptions (6); hence if we include (6) among our input assuir.ptions , then at every place other than the entry place of R, the assumptions (6) can become asser- tions. Using these assertions we can now replace every remaining passive expression (7) e(x, ,...,x ,other_vars) by (8) e'(r,,...,r , other vars). 1 m — After this is done, all assignments to x,,...,x can be eliminated by the shadow variable rule, and the input assumptions (6) can be existentially quantified using the variable dropout lemma stated earlier in the present section and then dropped since once quantified they become true. The overall effect of this procedure is to replace each assignment operation (3 ) by an assignment sequence (5) or something equivalent to it, and to replace every passive expression (7) by the substituted expression (8) . As already -53- noted, we shall refer to this entire procedure as praa transformation by representation , specifically by use of the representing functions (^^,...,(p , plus the various reduced expressions e', and the various assignment expressions 1 m In most cases, each representing function 4). will depend on only a very few of the newly introduced variables r, and will be independent of all ot}ier joars ', thus the full expression complexity suggested by form.ulae (1 - 5) will rarely be faced. The logical propositions (1), (4a), (4b) needed to justify the transformations described in the last few pages may be called representation lemmas. The proof of such lemmas may t>e Considered to be the stuff of a fully formalized variant of the familiar 'data structures' course. Transformation by representation can be organized into a process resembling compilation, roughly as follows. Each member of the collection of justifying identities (2) , (4a) , (4b) available for repre- sentational use can be assigned some designating mnemonic or phrase, e.g. 'represent x, by a list r, ' 'represent x_ by a B-tree r_ ' . An appropriate correctness-preserving com.piler can then check the consistency of such declarations and coding hints, and either reject them as hopelessly inconsistent, demand that supporting assertions P(x^,...,x ,other_vars) be attached to the praa R to be transformed, or deduce these assertions itself and proceed immediately to produce an appropriately transformed praa R' . To wind up this point, note that identities (4a) , (4b) which define the representation of indexed assignment operators x.(expn,) = expn- will obviously find particularly frequent use -54- As the code text of a praa R is manipulated to bring it into more and more efficient forms, there will come a point at which we pass over from the use of set-theoretic objects having pure value semantics to the use of representing objects which can be imbedded easily in a comprehensive memory array having hardware-like logical characteristics, and also to the use of code sequences which for the sake of efficiency reflect the con- ventions of pointer rather than of value semantics. We shall now say a few words about the typical logical arguments which justify such a transition. A pointer-oriented data structure S can be regarded as an indefinitely expansible set of objects, the pointers , together with a mapping pto which sends each pointer into a vector V whose components are either elementary objects (e.g. integers) or further pointers and also together with an auxiliary Set E of pointers, which we shall call the entrances of the data structure S. Each of the set-theoretic objects which such a structure represents will be defined by some abstractly specified function p(p, pto) of pointers p e E and of the comprehensive mapping pto. The functions p used in this way will ordinarily have inductive definitions; from the set-theoretic point of view, it is therefore perhaps best to introduce auxiliary mappings of (p,pto) onto sequences f = f(n) defined by inductive and initial conditions (9) f(n+l) = G(p,pto,f(n)) and f(l) =H(p,pto), where G and H have elementary definitions. For example, if we consider a conventional LISP-like structure in which the vectors v are always pairs having components which are either elementary objects or pointers, then a particularly important sequence connected with each entry p will be that defined by (10) f(l) = P; f(n+l) = if nis_pointer ( (pto(f (n) ) (2) ) then nil else (pto(f (n))) (2) . -55- Here is_pointer (x) is assumed to be an elementary predicate true for objects which are pointers and false otherwise; and nil is a special pointer used in the familiar LISP manner. If we take G and H to be given and designate the sequence f defined by (9) (or by its special case (10))as F(p,pto), then the set-theoretic object p(p,pto) represented by p and pto will often be definable in a straightforward manner using F(p,pto). For example, if we consider a list-like data structure for which (10) is appropriate, and if lists are being used to represent sets, we might very well have (11) p(p,pto) = { (pto(f (n))) (1) [f = F(p,pto) & f(n) ^ nil) . If we proceed in this way, then each inductive relationship between sequences F(p,pto) will yield some useful relationship between the set-theoretic objects defined using these sequences. For example, in the case (10) we have (12a) and p(p,pto) = n^ if and only if f(l) = nil (12b) p ?« nil => p(p,pto) = p((pto(p)) (2) ,pto) u {(pto(p)) (1)}, which among other things can be used to justify the conversion Of Vx G p {p,pto) ; into the list-loop ■ code end V ; P' = P? while p' fi nil; x = pto(p') (1) ; code p'= pto(p') (2) ; end while; In cases involving logical relationships too complex to be described conveniently by simple sequences f having definitions like (9) , it may be appropriate to consider -56- multi-sequences f = f () which depend on pto via more complex inductions, e.g. (13) f () = G (p,pto,k,f () ) f () = H(p,pto,k) f() = H(p,pto,l) . To manipulate a data structure like S we shall use code sequences cs' containing assignments pto(p) = expn, and also assignments of the somewhat more special form (pto(p))(j) = expn, which is an abbreviation for a4 ) t = pto(p); t(j) = expn; pto(p) = t; where t is a variable not otherwise occurring. The code sequences as used to manipulate S will always be chosen so as to preserve the validity of certain predicates of the form P(E,pto). These predicates, which may be called the invariant predicates of the data structure, will therefore always be available as hypotheses for use in deducing properties both of sequences (9) and (13) and of set-theoretic objects p(p,pto) related to such sequences. Moreover, the code sequences 3s used to modify a data structure will generally be chosen so as to leave the values p(p,pto) invariant for all but a finite subcollection ?]_'•• -/Pn ^^ ^^® members of E, and for these p. one will generally have proved identities (1 5) p(p.,pto') = expn. (p (p^, pto) ,... ,p(Pj^, pto) ) which relate each set-theoretic object calculated using a modified mapping pto' to the set-theoretic objects p calculated using the unmodified pto from which pto' was obtained. Once again we note that representation lemmas which establish properties of sequences f defined by recxarsions (9), (13), or which assert that particular code sequences preserve important invariant properties of data structures, or which -57- imply identities (15) , only need to be proved once and can then be used to improve the efficiency of a broad variety of praas. Up to this point we have been describing arguments which can be used to justify the transformation of programs written using set-theoretic constructs into programs in which only vector-and-pointer constructs appear. However, we have assumed that vectors of indefinite length are available; in pragmatic terms, this implies an environment which is fully 'garbage collected'. Now we shall sketch the techniques which can be used to transform praas whose code text has this character into equivalent praas which only involve 'static' arrays. To do this, we single out some finite subcollection P, ,...,p of E, introduce associated 'size integers' k.,...,k and 'address integers' pa,,..., pa ,as well as a comprehensive memory vector MEM, and insert the temporary assumptions (16) pto(p.) = MEM(pa.+l: pa.+k.) , j = l,...,n, where MEM(a:b) designates the 'slice' of MEM running from its i-th to its j-th components. The shadow variable rule is then used to introduce an assignment (17) MEM(pn. + x) = expn immediately before each occurrence of (pto(p.))(x) = expn in the praa R being manipulated. If these indexed assignm.ents are the only operations in R that can change pto(p.), if the quantities k . are never changed and we assume that on entry to R we have k . >_ 1 and pa .+k . f. pa ■ . i for j = 1 , . . . ,n-l , and if we can show that every x occurring in an assigmnent (pto(p.)) (x) = expn satisfies 1 <^ x <^ k . , then each assignment (17) will change only MEM (pa .+1 :pa .+k . ) and not MEM(pa2+l:pa.+k. ) for any i 7^ j . This allows the assumptions (17) to become assertions. Using these assertions, we can replace every use of pto(p.) by a use of MEM (pa .+l:pa .+k . ) , -58- and if this is done systematically it may be possible to eliminate all uses of p . , and then to eliminate the variables p. themselves by the shadow variable rule. So much for generalities; we turn now to an illustrative example. In the discussion which now follows, we will refer repeatedly to the transformation rules stated in the preceding section, sometimes unspecif ically but sometimes specifically by number. Our manipulations will make use of the general techniques sketched in the preceding pages, but in order to emphasize foundations we will sometimes use first principles to justify these manipulations instead of simply referring to a general technique by name. Our example is the sort-by- counting praa developed in the preceding section, but before turning to its detailed manipulation it is appropriate to introduce som.e additional notation and a few simple auxiliary praas . We take the notation (18) Vx € s; code end V ; to abbreviate (19) s = n£; while s 7^ s ; X = 3 (s - s ) ; code ; s = s u { X } ; end while; Proof rules for (is) can easily be deduced by expanding (18) into (19) . The correct praa -59- (20) t> N set(s) & g e sing val maps (s ,booleans) n = 0; V y € s ; if g (y) then n = n+1; end if; end V ; 1- n = #{x e s I g(x)} <^ which of course describes the standard technique of counting by iteration, uses this notation. The correctness of this familiar praa is easily proved by introducing the obvious auxiliary assumption ^ n = #{x e s 1 g(x)} at the head of the while loop which appears when the V-loop in (20) is expanded. By substituting { ,ygs} for g in (20) and eliminating redundant assumptions, we obtain the correct praa (21) ^ ^ set(s) & f G sing val maps (s , reals) & x 6 s & place e sing_val_maps n = 0; Vy e s; if f (y) < f (x) V f (y) = f (x) & place (y) ne n then n = n+1; end if ; end V ; I- n = #{yes | f (y) _ f adr+k, so that the value of MEM (f adr+1 : f adr+k) is unchanged by any assignment of the form MEM(j) = expn with padr+1 f_ j 5_ padr+k. We will also make the initial assumption that place' = MEM (padr+1: padr+k) , which subsumes our earlier assumptions concerning place'. To deduce 1 £ x <_ #f in the last preceding form R. of our praa is easy, and thus even if we insert the assign- ment MEM(padr+x) = n+1 immediately before the statement place (x) = n+1 in R. , the temporary assumption 1= f = MEM (f adr+1 : f adr+k) is never spoiled, and can become an assertion. But with this assignment inserted, it is clear that the assumption f= place' = MEM (padrfl : padr+k) is not spoiled either. Thus references to MEM can replace all references to / and place' , allowing these two variables to be suppressed using the shadow variable rule. This casts our praa into the following form, which we call R-: {s vector (MEM) & k€ integers & k>_l & padr^integers & fadr^ integers & padr >^f adr+k & range (MEM ( f adr+1 :f adr+k ) ) C reals X = 1; while X <_ k; n = 0; y = 1; while y <^ k; if (MEM(fadr+y) < MEM(fadr+x) v MEM(fadr+y) = MEM(fadr+x) & y < x) then n = n+1; -63- end if; y = y + 1; end whi le ; MEM(padr + x) = n + 1; X = X + 1; end whi le ; f vector (MEM) & range (MEM (padr+l:padr+k) ) = {n, 1 <_ n <_ k} & (1 £ Vx,y £ k) MEM(fadr+x) < MEM(fadr+y) =* MEM(padr+x) < MEM(padr+y) The praa R- has a semantic level quite close to that of assembly language. To bring it down to what is recognizably a form of assembly language, we have only to expand the if_ and while statements in R. into their primitive forms, introduce additional temporary variables to decompose all compound expressions into their elementary parts, and replace all operations not available in assem.bly language by assembly-language code blocks which have equivalent effect on the variables of Rj.. We can regard our target assembly language as a collection of code blocks, of unknown internal structure, which perform elementary operations on a fixed collection of variables, let us say to be specific X1,...,X16; the way in which we write assembly langage operations is illustrated by the typical case Xi = Xj + Xk. We assume that every assembly language operation either succeeds or aborts (perhaps simply by never finishing) , and that if it succeeds it has precisely the same effect as some corresponding mathematical operation. By making this simple (although sweeping, and not entirely realistic) assumption, we rule out all those complications of proof which ensue if assembly language operations are explicitly allowed to differ in certain marginal cases from the mathematical operations which they normally represent. (For a study of these important but irritating cases, see [Sites, 1974]). -64- We also assume that operations MEM(Xi) = Xj and Xj = MEM(Xi) are available at the assembly language level. In order to capture at least some of the typical flavor of assembly language code, we shall assume that no boolean operations are available, and that the only available conditional transfer operations have the usual form i£ Xk >^ 0 then go to L i£ Xk < 0 then go to L if Xk <_ 0 then go to L i£ Xk > 0 then go to L if Xk = 0 then go to L if Xk = 0 then go to L . Since all the rest is quite ordinary, we will consider only the treatment of the statements (20) if MEM(fadr+y) < MEM(fadr+x) v (MEM(fadr+y) = MEM{fadr+x) & y < x) then n = n+1; end if; appearing in R^ . We shall initially assume that fadr+x and fadr+y have been 'loaded' into two registers which we designate symbolically as Xfx and Xfy; that is, we make the temporary assumption \= Xfx = fadr+x and f^ Xfy = fadr+y immediately prior to the code block (20) . Then treating others of the special register variables Xj as shadow variables , we introduce assignments Xcy = MEM (Xfy); Xcx = MEM (Xfx) immediately prior to (20) . This establishes equalities which allow us to rewrite (20) as (21) if_ Xcy < Xcx v Xcy = Xcx & Xfx < Xfy then n = n+1; end if; We now manipulate (21) in various obvious ways using the go to rules (2.a-2.h) repeatedly, give the variable n the new name Xn, and also make use of a few other special register variables X j , introducing appropriate assignments for those we use, we can rewrite (21) in the following equivalent form, which is of course -65- typical of what a compiler might produce: Xcxmy = Xcx - Xcy ; . if Xcxmy 0 then go to Add; if Xcxmy i- 0 then go to Skip; Xcxmy = Xfx - Xfy; if Xcxmy > 0 then go to^ Skip Add: Xn = Xn + Xone /* where ^ Xone = 1 */ Skip: By applying the same familiar technique to the remainder of the praa Rj. , we can easily convert it to an equally^ correct praa, whose assumptions and assertions will retain a high-level, set theoretic form, but all of whose statements belong to assembly language. Details of this are left to the reader. -66- b. A Class of Root Praas Derivable by Transformation. - Up to the present point we have taken the notion of 'root praa ' as fundamental and have described techniques for combination and manipulation of root praas. In the present section, we shall describe a class of root praas which can be derived transformationally from underlying mathematical facts of a particular form, thereby penetrating somewhat more deeply into the questions of program genesis that define the pragmatic issues which a verification tech- nology must face. We begin by noting that, although set theory makes available a language of powerful global dictions, programming rules out direct leaps between global totalities, so that to devise an algorithm one must rely either on a technique of systematic extension or on a pattern of decomposition. To be specific, suppose that some set-theoretic function (or functions) F depending on a composite set- theoretic object (or objects) x has been defined mathematically, leaving us with the problem of developing an acceptable algorithm for the computation of F(x). First consider algorithms which are based upon the technique of extension. Such algorithms typically introduce some class of auxiliary objects z, together with an auxiliary transformation z -* T(x,z) which, if applied repeatedly to an initial z^ = S(x), will eventually produce some z from which F(x) can be calculated directly. Iteration of T may, for example, enlarge some set, extend some mapping, or progressively 'tighten' some condition satisfied by z until the condition defining F(x) comes to be satisfied. For verification of algorithms of this kind, direct use of the praa proof and transformation methods described in preceding sections is normally just about as comfortable a technique as can be devised, though of course the finding of 'minimal' algorithm forms which facilitate the task of verification but from which the conventional versions can be derived by easy transformations is a task requiring careful thought. -67- In the case of algorithms which proceed by decomposi- tion, a more interesting transformational approach is possible. To calculate F (x) using such an algorithm, we factor F into a product of simpler maps F . , some of which may decompose x (or perhaps objects y calculated from x) into a collection of simpler 'subparts' F.(x) = . A given factorization may only be valid when a particular logical condition P^ is satisfied; if P, is false but some other relevant condition is satisfied, a different condition may apply. In general therefore a decompositional algorithm for the computation of F will rest upon a relationship of the general form (1) F (x) = if Pt (x) then f!^^^ ( . . . F ^"'■^ (x) ) 1 In-. else if P-(x) then f|^M . . . F ^^^ (x) ) 2 1 n^ • • • else if P, (x) then F,^^' (... F^^^ (x)) K J n, k Note that if the set-theoretic fvinction F will only appear in the context 3F(x), then it is sufficient to have inclusion (of right by left) in (1) rather than identity. As everybody knows, a relationship of the form (1) can be used to compute F even if F appears in several places on the right-hand side of (1) , provided only that the argument values to which F is supplied are in some sense simpler than the initial argxament x. When this is the case, the relation- ship (1) is recursive and can be converted directly into a recursive program for the calculation of F. Now, any recursive program can be converted into an iteration by introduction of an explicit stack of appropriate form. Moreover, at each recursive level we only need to stack information which cannot be recovered conveniently from the information passed down -68- to the next recursive level. In general, any recursion for which it is possible to keep track of stack contents in a simple way can be converted to an iteration; and as a matter of fact numerous useful recursive schemata having this property have been catalogued and exploited by [Walker and Strong 1972] , [Burstall and Darlington 1975] . We list various significant items from their catalog, assuming at first that the function F is single-valued. (i) Assume that (2) F(x) = if P^(x) then F (M (F (M ... F(N^(x) ...)))) else if P2(x) then F (M (F (M .. .F (N (x) ...))) ) else if Pj^(x) then F (M (F (M. . .F (N (x) ...))) ) with the map M occurring m. times if P . is satisfied. Then (as observed by Walker and Strong) y = F (x) converts (if x is dead) to (3) k = 1; go to Lstart; while k > 0; x = M (x) ; Lstart: while P. (x) v ... v P, (x) ; k = k+ _if P, (x) then m else if. . .else if Pj, (x) then m, ; X = if^ P (x) then N (x) else if else if Pj^ (x) then N, (x) ; end wh ile; |-"l(Pj^(x) V ... V Pj^(x)) x = F(x) ; k = k-1; end while; y = x; If all the integers m. are zero, the outer loop is superfluous, and (3) simplifies to -69- (4) while P (x) v ... v P {x) ; X = i£ P^ (x) then N^ (x) else if else if P, (x) then N, (x) ; end while; y = F (x) ; \— ^{P^ix) w ... w P^ (x) ) (ii) Assume that (5) F(x) = if P^(x) then M^(H^{x) ,F(N^(x) ) ) else if ... else if Pj^(x) then Mj^(Hj^(x), F(Nj^(x))) , that all the mappings N. have inverses N. , that the predicates P . (N . (x) ) are mutually exclusive, and that, for each x, there exists at m.ost one y in the set generated from x by repeated application of the maps N. which satisfies n(P (y) & . . . & P (y) ) . We call this value V(x). Then y = F(x) converts (if x is dead) to (6) xsave = x; X = V (x) ; y = F (x) ; |— H (P^ (x) v ... v P^^ (x) ) while X f^xsave; X = if P^(N~-'-(x)) then N~-'-(x) else if_ . . . else if P (N~-'-(x) ) then n""'" (x) ; y = if P^(x) then M^(H (x) ,y) else if . . . else if P (x) then M(H (x) ,y) ; end while; This transformation will commonly be applied to cases in which the functions M. are independent of their first parameters. Application of it will often convert a recursive relationship of the form (5) into an algorithm that works by extension. -70- Even if the N. have no inverse, this transformation can D still be used if we are willing to search nondeteriTiinistically over the sets N. (x) . (iii) Assiome that (7) F(x) = if P^(x) then M(H^(x), G^ (F (N^ (x) ) ) ) else if... else if Pj^(x) then M(Hj^(x), G^^ (F (N^^ (x) ) ) ) , and that the two-parameter mapping M is associative. We say that a one-parameter mapping G left-commutes (resp. commutes, resp. right-commiutes) with M if G(M(x,y)) = M(Gx,y) (resp. = M(Gx,Gy), resp. M(x,Gy)). Suppose that the range j = l,...,k. is divided into three subsets £c, c, re such that G. left-commutes (resp. commutes, resp. right-commutes) with M for j e £c (resp. j e c, resp. j e re) . Put crc(j) = if_ j G {c, re} then 1 else 0. Suppose also that all the G. for which j 6 {c, re} commute with each other. . Then y = F(x) converts (if x is dead) to (8) if n(P^(x) V ... V Pj^(x)) then y = F(x) ; ^ n(P^(x) V ... V Pj^(x)) else n - = 0 ; . . . ; n, = 0 ; j = i£ P (x) then 1 else if. . .else if P (x) then k; y = H (x) ; while P (x) V ... V Pj^(x); new j = if P (x) then 1 else. . .else if Pj^(x) then k; z = H . (x) ; new 3 if j e (AcUc) then z = G. (z) ; 3 end if; -71- for m = 1 to k; if m 6 c then for i = 1 to n ; — m z = G^(z); end for; end if end for ; y = M(y,z); n . =n .+crc ( j ) ; j=newj; x=N . (x) ; end while; z = G.(F(x)); f- n(P^(x) V ... V Pj^(x)) for m = 1 to k; for i = 1 to n ; — m z = G^(z) ; m end for; end for; y = M(y,z) ; Frequently encountered special cases of this general schema are G . (x) = X, j = l,...,k, in which case G. left-commutes with M and the quantities n. are identically zero, and M(x,y) = y, in which case all G. right-commute with M; also the more special case in which M(x,y) = y and G . (x) = G (x) for all j. (iv) Suppose that (7) holds, that the two-parameter mapping M in (iii) is both associative and commutative, and that all the G. = G are the same and left-commute with M. J Suppose also that for each x all the u in the set V(x) defined by the condition "1(P (u) v ... v P (u) ) and by the requirement that u be generable from x by repeated application of the trans- formations N. have the same value F(u). Then a code sequence 3 somewhat different from (8) can be used to calculate F (x) . -72- As a matter of fact, as observed by Darlington and Burstall, this alternative code sequence can be used even if M only satisfies the condition M(x,M(y,z)) = M(y,M(x,z)), which is somewhat weaker than associativity and commutativity together. In this case, y = F(x) converts (if x is dead) to (9) y = G(FO V(x) )) ; j = 0; while P, (x) V ... V P (x) ; z = _if P (x) then H^ (x) else if . . . else if Pi^(x) then H, (x) ; if j 5^ 0 then z = G (z) ; end if; j = if_ P, (x) then 1 else if . . . else if P^ (x) then k; y = M(z,y) ; x = N . (x) ; end while; (v) Assume that (10) F(x) = if Pj^(x) then M(F(N^(x)) , F(n|(x))) else if ... else if Pj^(x) then M (F (N^^ (x) ) ,F (Nj^(x) ) ) , and that the two-parameter mapping M is associative. Suppose that Nt,n' ...,N, ,n' all have inverses, and that the ranges 1 1 k k of these mappings are all disjoint, so that given an x of the form N.(z) or N*. (z) the z = N~ (x) from which it was obtained is uniquely defined. (I.e., we can define N as the 'combined' inverse of all the mappings N^,N^, . . . ,Nj^,Nj^.) Suppose moreover there exists a boolean function R(x) which is true for all elements of the form n'. (z) and false for all elements of the form Nj(z). Then y = F(x) can be converted into -73- (11) x- = x; while P(x') V V P,{x'); x' = if P, (x') then N^(x') else if; . . . else if P (x') then N (x' ) ; end while; y = F(x'); f-n(P^(x') V ... V Pj^(x')) while x' i- x; if_nR(x') then X' = N~-'-(x') ; x' = if P, (x') then n|(x') else if . . . else if Pj^(x') then N^', (x') ; while P(x') V V P (x'); x' = if P, (x* ) then N (x' ) else if , . . else if P,(x') then N (x' ) ; end while; y = M(y, F(x')) ; |— n(P^(x) ... Pj^(x)) else x' = n"-'-(x') end if ; end while; If there exists a left-identity element for the two parameter mapping M the code sequence (11) can be simplified. We leave it to the reader to work out the details of this simplification. A few additional, but less generally useful cases of recursions which can be converted into iterations are found in the cited works of Walker, Strong, Burstall, and Darlington. We have already noted that if the set-theoretic function F appearing in the general recursive relationship (1) will be used only in the context 3F(x), then (1) leads to a recursive algorithm that can be used to calculate F, even if only inclusion and not equality has been proved in (1) . This remark carries through to the various iterative constructions into which (1) -74- can be expanded; all these expansions remain correct if we replace certain of the set-theoretic functions appearing in them by functions having smaller set values ("'^mailer' in the sense of set-theoretic inclusion) , provided that other of the set-theoretic functions map smaller sets into smaller sets. In cases of this sort, simple function composition F^ (F (x) ) will often be replaced by the element-by-element composition function F [F^[x]] = {z|( u, ,u„) u^ s x & e F, & G F-}. Moreover, in dealing with cases of this sort, associativity of a two parameter map M can be replaced by the inclusion M[x,M[y,z]] £ M [M [x,y ] ,z] , while commutativity of M and G can be replaced by G[M[x,y]] 2M[G[x], G[y]], etc. Whenever it is possible to derive a praa R using one of the recursion-removal schemata described in the preceding pages, the derivation is likely to be more advantageous than any other, since in such a case all that needs to be proved is the mathematical fact embodied in the recursive relationship (2). Once this is done, rather complex program structures such as (3), (6), (8), (9), etc., together with all the induc- tive assumptions needed to prove their correctness, follow immediately. Moreover, we avoid the labor of supplying all the intermediate proof details, instantiations, etc. that would be needed to prove such a program structure correct even after it had been supplied with inductive assumptions. To convince the reader that the recursion-removal rules displayed above do generate a number of interesting root praas , we will give a few examples. (a) Greatest comivon divisor. Let x and y be nonnegative integers not both zero, gcd(x,y) their greatest common divisor. Then gcd(x,y) = if x=0 then y else if x>y then gcd(y,x-y) else gcd(y-x,x) converts into a familiar iteration, and -75- gcd(x,y) = if odd(x) & oddCy) then if x>y then gcd(x-y,y) else gcd(x,y-x) else if x=0 then y else if y = 0 then x else if even(x+y) then 2*gcd (y/2 /X/2) else if even(x) then gcd(x/2,y) else if even(y) then gcd(x,y/2) leads to a more efficient iteration. (b) Merging of sorted arrays. Let x and y be two sorted arrays, and let merge (x,y) be a sorted array with rangecount (merge (x,y) ) = rangecount (x) + rangeccunt( y) . Then the relationship merge (x,y) = if x= r^ then y else if y = n£^ then x else if x(l)fy(l) then x(l) Bmerge (x(2: ) ,y) else y(l)B merge (x,y (2 : ) ) leads, since the concatenation operator I is associative, to a variant of the familiar merging loop. Note that x(2:) is the vector of all components of x, omitting the first. (c) Binary search. Let a be a sorted array of reals, and let S. £ u be integers. Define place (a,£ ,u,x) as the least index i in the range ^ 1 i 1 " such that a(i) = x, if there is any such i; otherwise zero. Then place(a,£,u,x) = if 2.=u then if a(£)=x then £ else 0 else if a(L£+u/2J) >_ x then place (a , £ ,L£+u/2J ,x else place(a,L£+u/2J+l,u,x) converts to the standard binary search. On the other hand, certain algorithms which work with stacks and which consequently are often expressed recursively are best regarded as having iterative root forms. For example, consider the well known algorithm of Tarjan which takes -76- an undirected graph G and a node x in it from which every other node can be reached, and which develops a 'depth first spanning tree' T in G. Perhaps the most convenient root form for this algorithm is (12) nodestack = ; nodes = {x}; T = nil; while nodestack ^ n£ ; ^ range (T) u dom(T) u range (nodestack) £ nodes & nodestack (l)=x & (Vj,k, l<_j; nodes = nodes u {x}; T = T with {< nodes tack (#nodes tack) iX> } ; else nodestack = nodestack (1 : #nodestack-l) ; end if; end while; Since successive elements of nodestack are T-descendants of each other, and since all the elements of nodes which have descendants not in nodes belong to the range of nodestack, it is not hard to show, by supplementing the loop assumption, that whenever y,z g nodes and e G it follows that z is either a T-descendant or ancestor of y, or that in T z lies to the left of the path leading to y, which is of course a property fundamental to the use of depth-first spanning trees. Note that, in spite of its typically recursive use of a stack, (12) cannot be regarded as a true recursive algorithm, since it accesses the global variables nodestack, nodes, and r in a manner forbidden to straightforwardly recursive functions. -7 7- 4 . Additional Comments on praa Manipulation. a. The block sv±>stitution rule revisited; Pramas The fundamental block substitution Rule (l.e) of Section 2(c) allows us to combine praas by replacing either single where statemients or groups of several such statements in a correct praa R by an auxiliary praa R. which contains appropriate output assertions. While rather general, this replacement principle is not quite as general as we would like it to be, since as nomnally written a praa may contain fewer where statements than would be ideal for broad application of Rule (l.e). In the next few pages we will (again follov/ing Gerhart) address this point, specifically by modifying the proof formalism described in Sections 2(a,b) above in such a way as to facilitate insertion and deletion of where statements. For this, the following definition is appropriate. Definition. (a) A prama ('program with assumptions and maximal assertions') R is a program Q (of the language SL) , together with three sets E, E', M. As in a praa, E and E' are are both sets of propositions-at-places and -at-f unctions of Q; the set E (resp. E") is called the set of assumptions of R (resp. the set of assertions) of R. The elements of M are pairs (A,?*^) , where P^' is a proposition-at-a-place or -at-a-function of R, and where A is a list of variables of R. We impose the restriction that if a is a place in a function f, then only variables which do not appear in any function other than f and which are not arguments of f can appear in the list A. (If a is a place in the main code block of P, then only variables not appearing in any function can appear in A) . The propositions P appearing in pairs (A, p ) belonging to M are called maximal assertions of R, and A is called the modifiable a variable list associated with the maximal assertion P . We impose the restriction that no prama can contain more than one maximal assertion at any place or function, and that if it contains a maximal assertion P at a given place or function, -78- then all other assertions Q at the same place or function which involve any of the variables of P are implied by P. In heuristic terms, each maximal assertion P states both that the assertion P is true whenever control reaches the place a (or whenever the function a is exectued) , and that no predicate stronger than P is known at a. More specifically: (b) A prama R is aorrect or valid if conversion of all its maximal assertions to ordinary assertions turns R into a correct praa, and if the following additional conditions are also satisfied: (b.l) Let (A/P") G M and let a be a place in R. Then R must remain correct if we insert the where statement (1) = where P (u,, ... ,u ,other_vars) immediately following the place a. Here x-,...,x is the list A of variables, and the predicate P is assumed to have the form P (x. , . . . ,x ,other_vars) . (b.2) Let (AfP^) G M/ and let a be a function f in R. Then the list A must consist of the single variable x and R must remain correct if we replace any function call (2) X = f{expn-,..., expn ) in R by the where statement (3) X = u where P (u,expn, , . . . ,expn ) . (Note that the form of the proposition-at-a-function f is necessarily P(u,y, ,...,y ), where m is the number of parameters of f.) If A = (x. ,...,x ), and E is the set of assumptions of the prama R, we will sometimes indicate the presence of the maximal assertion (AjP*^) by writing E(x,,...,x ) \-\— P . Similarly, in writing out the text of a prama, we shall distinguish maximal assertions by prefixing them with the sign (x,,...,x ) H — i °^ r in case x^ , . . . ,k is the collection of all variables which 1 n can be changed at a given place or function, simply by prefixing the sign \-\ — . -79- Now we begin to state a set of proof and transformation rules for pramas, culminating in a discussion of block substitution in the prama case. Proof Rules: (a) The proof rules (a), (b) , (c) , (d) , (e) , (f) stated in Section 2 (b) above and also the two Induction Principles (for propositions-at-a-place and for propositions-at-a-function) stated there carry over from praas to pramas. In applying these rules, we can use any maximal assertion (A) j-j — P or (A) H— P as a simple assertion (e.g. we can use (A) |-}— P^ as |— P , etc. ) (b) Proof rules (g) , (h) , (i) . (j), (k) , (£) , (m) , (n) and (o) stated in Section 2(b) above carry over from praas to pramas, provided that in applying any of these rules to deduce proposition F at the place tt in the prama R we insist that R contain no maximal assertion (A,Q) at t\ whose list A of variables involves any of the variables of P. In applying these rules we can use any maximal assertion as a simple assertion (in the manner explained in the preceding paragraph) . We assume throughout the next few pages that P is a correct prama, that 3, B_, P, , ii", t\ _ , tt , etc. are places in R, that f, g etc. are functions in R, that the variables appearing in R are x-,...,x , and that A is the list X, ,...,x of variables. We will som.etimes call the variables 1 n of the list A active variables of a maximal assertion (A) H— P^ or (A) H— P^ , and call all other variables of P passive variables of such an assertion. (c) A prama remains correct if the list A of variables attached to any of its maximal assertions-at-a-place or -at-a-f unction is replaced by a smaller list of variables. In particular, a prama remains correct if any of its maximal assertions is replaced by a corresponding simple assertion. -80- (d) (Maximal Assertion Strengthening) Let R contain the maximal assertion (A) H— P^ at the place tt , and suppose that if the maximal assertion were reduced to an ordinary assertion the additional assertion ] — P at tt could be deduced, where we assume that the implication (Vx . . . ,x )(P,=* P) holds identically. Then (A) f-^ — P can be replaced by (A) [^ P^. (e) (Union Rule for Maximal Assertions) Suppose that maximal assertions separated only by a label appear in R, as follows: „ „ (A) K- P " , L: (A^) H- P^"" Suppose that every assertion of R at the place P_ immediately preceding the label L which is net independent of the variables of A^ is implied by the predicate P.. . Let the variables appear- ing in the list A (resp. A,) be x^,...,x (resp. x, ....,Xj), and let the list of all varic±)les of R be x ,...,x . Then if the predicate P is independent of the variables x -,..., x^^, the maximal assertion (A) \-\ — P can be replaced by (x^,. .. ,Xj^) ^^ (P & P^) Proof: It is clear that the assertion -| — (P & P^) holds at B_. Since P (x^,...,x^) implies every assertion of R which is at 3_ and which is not independent of x^^. . . ,x^ , and since each assertion at 3_ which is not independent of x^,...,x^ is implied by P(x.,...,x ), it is clear that every assertion of R which is at 3_ and which is not independent of x^, . . . ,x^ is implied by P & P, . Hence insertion of the where statement (4) = where P(u^, . . . ,u^,x^^^, . . . ,x^) & P^iu^, . . . ,u^,x^_^^, . .X, at B_ does not invalidate any of the R-assertions at B_. Suppose that the statement is inserted at 6_ , and also that the where statement -81- m (5) = where ■•^vX, f... ,X,_i ,U,,. .. fUp f^Qii f» •• I X I is inserted immediately before the place f in R. Let R be the prama that results from these insertions, and let c ' be a computation for the code text R'. Then since P (u, ,..., u^ ,x„ ,,,..., x ) is independent of the variables 1 X, >^ + l m u ,,,..., u„, it is clear that any values assigned to the n+1 £ -^ variables x, , . . . ,x by (4) could also have been assigned by the v/here statem.ent (6) = where P(u,, ,u^ ,x^ ,,,... ,x) , i n i n i n n+i m and hence that any values assigned to x, ,...,Xp by (4) could also have been assigned by the two successive statements (5) , (6). Thus, in the presence of (5), the only components of the computation c' which can differ from the corresponding components of a computation c for R must be components which are either at 6_ or at 6 . Thus c' must satisfy all the assertions of R at places other than 3_ and 3, . But since any values assigned to x, , . . . , x. by (4) could also have been assigned by (5), (6) in combination, c must satisfy all the assertions of R at 6 , and since we have already seen the same to be true at B , our proof rule follows. Q.E.D. (f) (Splitting Rule for Maximal Assertions) Suppose that B , L: , B, / that a maximal assertion of the form 3_ (7) (x^,...,x^) H— (P & P^) appears at the place B , and that no maximal assertion appears at B, . Suppose that n <_ £ , that the predicate P is independent of the variables x _|^,,...,x^, and that the assertion \— Pj_ can be deduced at 6. . Then the maximal assertion (x,,...,x ) H — P, can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. _„ Proof : As seen in the proof of (e) above, any values assigned to x^,...,x^ by the where statement (6) can be assigned to these variables by (7) . Thus insertion of (6) into the text of R at 3 will not cause any assertion of R to become false. (g) (Reduction Rule) Suppose that (A) H— (P & ^i ^ is a maximal assertion of R and that P.. is independent of the variables appearing in the list A. Then (A) f-j — (P & P, ) can be replaced by (A) |-| — P , with preservation of correctness. Proof : Consider two pramas R^,R derived from R, the first obtained by inserting the statement (6) with i = n immediately after the place 6, the second by inserting (4) instead. We shall simply shov; that both admit the same sets of computations. Obviously the set of computations which R, admits is no smaller than the set of computations which R, adniits . Nov; let c be a computation of minimal length admitted by R„ but not by R, . Clearly the semi-final component of c m.ust be at the place 6. If we truncate the final component of c, we obtain a c' which is a valid computation both for R, and R-. Kence it must satisfy all the assertions of R, , and in particular the final component of c' must satisfy P, . But then since P, is independent of all the variables of A any final values which can be assigned to the variables x,,...,x by (6) can also be assigned by (4) , so that c must be a computation which R, admits, a contradiction which proves our rule. Q.E.D. -83- Transformation Rules The next rules to be stated justify motion of maximal assertions backward through the code text of a praraa . In addition to the standing assumptions described above, we assume throughout the next few pages that no maximal assvmption of E is initially at the place 6 . (h) (Assignment to an active variable) If „ 3_, x^ = expn(x^, . . . ,x^) , ^^ , if (A) 'rl— (P (x^ , . . . ,x^) ) , and if P (expn (x, , . . . , x ),Xp,...,x ) implies every assertion of R which is at the place B_ and which is not independent of the variables of A, then the maximal assertion (A) |-| — (P (expn (x, , . . . ,x ),x„,...,x )) can be added to R with preservation of correctness. We shall give a detailed proof of this rule since it is the first of its type that we state; detailed proofs will not be given for subsequent rules of this general kind, since rather similar arguments can be used in all cases. Proof: Since — P , it is clear that , ■ ^- — (P (expn (x, , . . • ,x ), x-,...,x )) . Moreover, since ' 1 m 2 m P (expnCx, , . . . ,x ),x^,...,x ) implies every assertion of R 1 m / m which is at 3 and which is not independent of x, , . . . ,x , it is clear that insertion of the where statement (8) = where P {expn(u, , . . . ,u , other vars) ,u_ , . . . ,u , other vars) In— /. n — immediately before the place B_ does not invalidate any of the R-assertions at 3 • It is also clear that insertion of (8) at 3 does not invalidate the assertion j — P . Suppose that the where statement (9) = where P(u, ,...,u , other vars) i n 1 n 1 n — is inserted immediately before the place 3, in R. It is clear that in the presence of (9) at 3. the members of the set of computations for the code text R' containing (8) differ from -84- the the computations legal in the absence of (8) only for computation components v/hich are at either 3_ or 3, • Thus these computations satisfy the assertions of R' at all places other than 6_ or 3 , and, since we have seen that all assertions at 3_ and 3, are satisfied also, it follows that R' is correct, which proves the transformation rule that has been stated. (i) (Assignment to a passive variable) If p 3_, X ^^ - expn(x^, . . . ,x^) , 3+ , if (A) hf— (P (x^, . . . ,x^) ) if P(x , .,.,x , expn(x^, . , . ,x^) , ^n+2'''*'^m^ implies every assertion of R which is at the place 3_ and which is not independent of the variables of A, and if expn (x^, . . . ,x^) is independent of the variables of A, then the maximal assertion B_ (10) (A) 4— (P(Xj_, . . . ,x^, expn(x^, .. . ,x^) , ^^+2 ' ' * " '^m^ ^ can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. (The proof is like that of (h ) ; we must assume that expn (x, , . . . ,x ) is independent of the variables of A since otherwise insertion of the where statement (8) at 3_ might influence the course of computation past the place 3^ • Note that if we are prepared to drop all variables on which expn (x- , . . . ,x ) depends from A, the condition ' expn (x, , . . .x ) is independent of the variables of A ' can always be made to hold.) (j) (Selection assignment to an active variable) If 3+ 3_, x^ = 3expn(x^, . . . ,x^) ,6_^ , if (A) H— (P (x^^, . . . ,x^) ) , and if (Vu e expn (x , . . . ,x^) ) P (u,X2 , . . • ,x^) implies every assertion of R which is at the place 3_ and which is not inde- pendent of the variables of A, then the maximal assertion (A) |-|— ((Vu e expn(x^, .. . ,x^) ) P (u,X2 , • • . ,Xj^) ) ~ can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. (Proof like that of (h).) (k) (Selection assignment to a passive variable) If B_, Xj^^^ = 3expn(x^,... ,Xj^) ,3+, if (A) H" (P (x^, . . . ,x^) if (Vu e expn(x^,.. . ,x^) ) P(x^,...,x^, ^'^n+2' * * ' '^m^ implies every assertion of R which is at the place 3_ and which is not independent of the variables of A, and -85- if expn (x, , . . . ,x ) is independent of the variables of A, then the maximal assertion B. (11) (A) \-\— ((Vue expn(x^, '^m^) ^ ^^1 ' • • • '^n '^' ^n+2 ' ' * ""^m^ ^ can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. (£) (Conditional Transfer Rule) Let B_, i_f C then go to L, 3, , and suppose that the place tt follows the label L. Suppose that (A) \-\— P , and that (A) |-[— P^ • Suppose that the proposition (C =* P ) & (He =* P) implies every assertion of R which is at the place B_ and which is not independent of the variables of A. Then the maximal assertion (A) \-\— ( (C =* P ) & (He =* P) ) ~ can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. (The proof can be adapted from that of (h) ; details are left to the reader.) Note that if the condition C in if_ C then go to L is identically true, then we can alv;ays take the predicate P to be false, in which case the maximal assertion B- (A) H — ( (C =* P, ) & (nc => P)) reduces immediately to B- 1 (A) f+ Pj^ . (m) (Label Rule) Suppose that B , L, B,, that (A) f-j — P , and that the proposition P implies every assertion of R which is at the place B_ and which is not independent of the variables of A. Then (A) |-| — P can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. (This is rather obvious.) (n) (Function call rule) Let f be a function of R which allows entry in the sense of Rule (4.e) of Section (2.c); let B_, X = f (expn^ . . . f expn, ) , B, , and let (A) \-\ — P Suppose that the maximal assertion (z) f-j — (C ( z ,y, , - . . ,y, ) ) is available at f, and that the proposition (12) (Vz)(C(z, expn, , . . . ,expn, ) =>P(vars)) implies every assertion of R which is at the place B_ and which is not independent of the variables of A. Then -86- 6 (13) (A) H— ((Vz)(C(z, expn^^, .. . ,expnj^) =>-P(vars))) can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. Proof : Since R remains correct if the function call is replaced by (14) X, = u where C (u, expn. , . . . ,expn, ) , rule (j) above implies that the assertion I — ((Vu)(C(u, expn. , . . . ,expn ) =* P(vars)) must hold at 6_. Next suppose that we assume that this replacement has been made and that we further modify R by inserting the statement (15) = where 1' ' n In (Vz) (C(z,expn^(u^, . . -^'^n+l' * ' '^n^ ' ' * -^^P^^^i' • "^'^n+l* * '^n^^^ at B . Using rule (j) again, we see that these modifications preserve the correctness of R. Since the function f allows entry in the sense of Rule (4.e) of Section (2.c), all assertions encountered during any computation c which begins at the entry place of f and continues until return from f will be satisfied no matter v/hat the initial state of c is. Thus, even if the where statement (14) is replaced by the function call x = f(expn,, ,expn,) after the insertion of (15), R remains correct. Q.E.D. (o) (Function call rule for a passive result variable) Let f be a function of R, let B_/ ^^+1^ f (expn^ , . . .expn^^) , B^ , and let (A) \-\~ P "*". Suppose that the maximal assertion (z) H— (P, (z,y^, .. .,yj^))^ is available at f, and that the proposition (12) implies every assertion of R which is at the place B_ and which is not independent of the variables of A. Suppose that all the argument expressions expn^ , . . . ,expnj^ are independent of the variables of A. Suppose also that neither f nor any function g that can be called directly or indirectly from f contains an assertion that references -87- any variable in A. Then the maximal assertion (13) can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. The proof is readily adapted from that of (n) ; details are left to the reader. Observe that the condition that all expn . are independent of the variables of A is required for the reason noted follow- ing (i) above. Moreover, this same condition, supplemented by the condition that neither f nor any function g that can be called directly or indirectly from f contains ar assertion that references any variable in A, can be used in (n) to replace the condition that f allows entry. (p) (Proposition-at-a-function Rule) Suppose that the calls to a function f of R are 3_ , x^ =f (expn|-' , . . .expnj^^ M , B^-" j = l,...,p. Let the parametersof f be-^y, , . . . ,y, , and let P be a predicate having exactly k+l free variables. Suppose that for each j, 1 <_ j <_ p, an assertion \ — Q.- is available at (A) ^ 3 -' , and also that a maximal assertion having the form (16) (x. ) H— ( (Vu) (Q (x ,. .. ,x. _^,u,x^ _^^,...,x^) & j -^ j j P(x^ ,expn|^ Mxj^, . . .x^ 1 '"^i +i' — x^^),... ... expnj^-' (x^,...,x^ _3^'^'^i _^^ , . . .x^^) ) ) ) is available at 3_;-' . Suppose also that the assertion |— P is available at f, and that this assertion implies all other assertions available at f. Then the maximal assertion (17) (z) H-(P(Z/yi'--"yj^))^ at f can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. Proof: Arguing as in (h) above, we can show that R remains correct if any call x = f (expn^ , . . . ,expnj^) is replaced by X = V where P (v,expn. , . . . ,expn, ) . Since \— P^ is available at f, the present rule follows immediately from the definition -88- of maximality for a proposition-at-a-function. (q) (Return statement rule) Let f be a function of R, let its parameters be Y-, , . . . ,Y-., and let the remaining I f variables of f be Y^+i' • • • 'Y^* ^^^ ^^^ ^~' (P (ZfYo^/ • • • ^Yj^) ) be a maximal assertion at f. Let the place it in f immediately precede the statement return expn. If the proposition P (expn,y, , . . . ,y, ) implies every assertion at tt which is not independent of the variables of f, then the maximal assertion ^^k+l""'^m^ H— (P(expn(y^,...,yjjj) , yj^,...,yj^))^ can be added to R, with preservation of correctness. We will normally use the above-stated prama proof and transformation rules in the following manner. Any proof of praa correctness will ordinarily begin with the statement of a group of temporary assumptions; these assumptions will generally be attached to function entries and to the heads of loops , in a manner which (necessarily) breaks every closed path through the praa R being proved. Often no other statements than the temporary assumption itself ever needs to be generated at the place it at which such an assumption is made. If this is the case, then a maximal assertion built from the assumption and involving some or all of the variables appearing in it can be put at it without spoiling the validity proof of R (since the presence of a maximal assertion at tt restricts deduction of other assertions at tt, but does not restrict deduction at any other place). If this can be done, then the proof of R's correctness will ipso facto prove the correct- ness of a prama R' , largely identical with R, but containing maximal assertions not present in R. To know that R' is correct is of course to know more than the correctness of R; in particular, the transformation rules stated in this section allow maximal assertions to be moved about in R'. Once a maximal assertion (x^,...,x^) f4— P^ has been moved to the place TT, the following technique can be used to justify substantial modifications of the code immediately preceding TT, if such modification is desired: -89- (i) Introduce the where statement = where P(u,,...,u ,x ,,,...x ) i n 1 n ± n n+± m immediately before the place tt, retaining the maximal assertion at tt; this introduces a new place tt ' . (ii) The presence of the where statement at tt ' makes all the variables x, ,...,x dead at tt ' . Therefore the dead variable rule (3.b) of Section 2 allows deletion and insertion of other statements or groups of statements preceding u ' , provided that these other statements modify only the variables x,,...,x and perhaps also other variables used only to calculate values to be assigned to x^,...,x . Make deletions and insertions, as appropriate. (iii) Now use the block substitution rule (l.e) of Section ( 2. c) to replace the inserted where statement by any appropriate prama. b. Proofs of Termination A praa or prama R is said to be terminate for a given initial condition of its input variables if the set of all computations which begin with these initial input values and then proceed from the start of R to any place in R is finite. (To reduce the standard notion of program termination to this notion, take a program Q, add the tacit input assump- tions of Q to Q explicitly, and also add the assumption ^ (false) to the exit place tt of Q, thus obtaining a praa R. Then Q terminates in the conventional sense if and only if R terminates in the sense just explained. Note that execution of a praa is taken to terminate immediately if control reaches a point at which an assumption is violated.) The question of -90- termination has been deliberately systeir^atically neglected in the preceding pages. Vie shall now discuss this question briefly, approaching it in a spirit suggested by the transformational formalisms that have been introduced. VCliich of the transformations of Section 2.c preserve termination? This obvious but significant question is easily answered. Praa termination is preserved vhen the following transformation rules are applied: (la-d), (If-g), (2a-o) , (3a-e), (4a-d). Concerning the more complex substi- tuion rules (l.e), (4.e), and (4.g) we make the following comments : Ad (l.e): Let R, R, , L_- , j = l,...,k be as in transfor- mation rule (l.e), and let gj^i be the place in R^ imm,ediately following the label L.. Let. the praa RJ result if we insert the assumption ^ {false) + at each of the places 6_^-' , j = l,...,k. Suppose that r' term.inates (so that any suffi- ( i ) ciently long com.putation in R, must reach one of the places 6^ ) Then the praa v/hich results if we fuse R^ into R in the manner described by Rule (l.e) term.inates. This assertion can be proved by an easy adaption of the argument used to prove Rule l.e; details are left to the reader. Ad (4.e)' Let R, E, f and R' be as in Rule (4.e), Section (2.c). We shall say that f allows terminating entry if f allows entry in the sense of Rule (4.e), and if -91- in addition the praa R' terminates. Let it' be any place within R, and let x' be any variable not otherwise occurring in R. Assume that f allows terminating entry. Then if we insert the function call (18) x' = f (expn, , . . . ,expn ) 1 m at TT ' , termination is preserved. Ad (4.g) . Rule (4.g) is derived from (4.e) . If in applying Rule (4.e) we assume that the function f appearing in the inserted call (18) allows terminating entry, then termination is preserved. Ab initio proofs of termination generally combine references to a program's statement order and block structure with a f^w supplementary mathematical facts. The following straightforward definitions and 'termination proof rules' formalize the techniques most commonly used. Definition . Let R be a praa. A subsection s of P. is a set of places in the main block of R, together with the statements (or labels, v;hich we treat here as 'no-ops') immediately following these places. A decomposition of a subsection s of R is a collection of disjoint subsections s. of R whose union is s. One place it in R is a predecessor place of another place n' if the statement at it' can be the next statement executed after execution of the statement at tt. The entry places of a subsection s are all places in s having predecessor places not in s; the exit places of a subsection s are all places in s which are predecessors of places not in s. A subsection s of R is said to terminate if for each of its entry places it, the praa R obtained by modifying R in the following manner terminates: (i) Drop all statements in the main block of R which do not belong to s; add a label L. at the place tf if necessary and also add one statement, which will be the entry statement of R^ , having the form 22 to L- . Also, (ii) Add a stop statement with label L, to the end of R 1 TT change every statement if_ C then 30 to L in s which references -92- a label L outside s to i£ C then g£ to L , and insert the statement 2°. to L^ immediately after every statement in s whose immediate successor statement is not in s. We now give some termination proof rules: (a) (Simple forward branch rule) Any praa subsection contain- ing only forward branches and no selections 3 s from infinite sets terminates . (b) (Generalized forward branch rule) Let s be a subsec- tion of the praa R, and let s-,...,s be a decomposition of s. in Suppose that s. terminates for each j = l,...,n, and that whenever tt and t; ' are both places of s and tt is a predecessor place of TT ' , then if tt belongs to s. and tt ' beloncs to s, D ' k with j 7^ k we have j < k. Then s terminates. (c) (Backward branch rule) Let s be a terminating siib- section of the praa R, let tt ,, be all the entry places of s, and let tt ',..., tt' be places which have predecessors in s but which are not themselves in s. Suppose that for j = l,...,n, the statement following the place tt . has the form if C. then go to L . , where the label L. is at som.e place of s that is physically prior to the place tt ! (so that the if-statement represents a possible backward branch) . Suppose that there exists a partially ordered set A in v/hich indefinitely long ascending sequences of elements are impos- sible, and an expression expn(vars) in the variables x^ , . . .x of R, such that we have I [tt^jE uj (x =x|&. . .&x =x^) '^> \- (expn(x^, . . .x^) >expn(x^, x^^) ) for all entry places tt . of s and all exit places tt . ; where E is the set of assumptions of R, '>' is the order relationship in the partially ordered set A, and the x! are variables not otherwise appearing. Let s' be the union of s and the statements if C. then go to L . at the places tt ! . Then s' is a terminating subsection of the praa R. Rule (c) reflects the familiar observation, which goes back as far as [Floyd, 67] , that termination proofs for a root praa R will often proceed by mapping the data objects of R into some appropriately devised partially ordered set. Note however that for praa subsections s only involving loops of the 'do' type and their -93- set-theoretic equivalents, rules (a) , (b) , (c) normally yield easy termination proofs, since in these cases A can simply be either a finite range of integers in its natural order or the lattice of subsets of a finite set, ordered by inclusion. The reader may be interested in applying this remark to prove termination of the counting-sort praa considered earlier. Programs in our set-theoretic language proceed nondetermin- istically, since the selection opreator x = aexpn makes a nondeterministic choice. Thus 'termination' has two possible senses, nair>ely finiteness of all possible computations (which is the sense adopted in the last few pages) , and the existence of at least one computation which reaches a given program point. While a deterministic program, can only terminate by either reaching its exit place or aborting, a program deliberately written to exploit nondeterminism can terminate in two equally legitimate senses, either by reaching some exit point and thereby succeeding, or by failing along all paths and thereby certifying that the ccmbina- torial problem which the program explores is unsolvable. Kence reachability becomes a significant issue in the nondetermistic case, i.e., to justify use of a program written in a manner deliberately exploiting nondeterminism, termination in both senses must be proved. To formalize this, suppose that we say that a place tt in a valid praa P. is reachable if there exists at least one R-computation from the entry place of R to tt . Equivalently we can say that tt is reachable if R is valid but becomes invalid if the assertion I— {false) is added to the assertion set of R. To frove reachability, one can often proceed in the follow- ing manner: (i) First prove that R must terminate if tt is not reached (i.e., that the praa R' obtained by adding M (false)'' to R terminates) (ii) Next consider a computation c of maximal length in R', and suppose the final state of c is at the place tt ' . We shall call tt' a stopping place of R; clearly it' ^ tt . (iii) Our aim now is to show that R can have no stopping place tt'. To do this, we apply the following observations. Civ" tt' can be a stopping place if some unsatisf iable assumption ^ p"^ ' is present at tt ' . To avoid this possibility, v.e shall suppose throughout the next few paragraphs that no -94- assumptions are present at any place other than the entry place of R, (In effect, this means that all other assumptions must have been reduced to assertions.) (v) If tt", X = expn, then tt ' can only be a stopping place if an operation error can arise in the evaluation of expn (e.g. expn might contain the subexpression x/y , where the value of y m.ight be zero) . Direct inspection of expn will always reveal the types of operation errors possible in its execution. If assertions ruling out these operation errors are available at it ' , then tt ' cannot be a stopping place. (vi) Similarly, if it', x =3 expn, and if assertions both ruling out operation errors in the evaluation of expn and ensuring that expn has a non-null value are available at tt', then TT ' is not a stopping place. If tt', if^ C then go to L , and if assertions ruling out operation errors in the evaluation of C are available at tt ' , then tt ' is not a stopping place. If TT ' , X = f (expn, , . . . ,expn, ) , where f is a function of R, and if assertions ruling out operation errors in the evaluation of each of the argument expressions expn. are available at tt ' , then TT ' is not a stopping place. (vii) Suppose that tt ' , return expn, and that assertions ruling out operation errors in the evaluation of expn are available at tt ' . Then tt ' can only be a stopping place if there exists an assumption ^ P at the function f containing the place tt ' which comes to be violated at the moment that the return statement is executed. This possibility is ruled out if we assume that R contains no assumptions-at-functions (which is to say that all such assumptions have been converted to assertions) . Programs which deliberately exploit nondeterminism will generally contain fail statements; the semantic effect of such a statement is simply to terminate any computation which reaches it. (In our restricted formalism, such a statement could be represented as a deliberate error, e.g. x = 1/0.) TO prove reachability using the termination-based technique -95- just outlined, it is necessary to prove that such fail statements (or the erroneous statements used to represent them) are avoided (or more precisely, can be avoided) . Arguments useful for this purpose can be based on the folloving notions. Suppose that R, is a correct praa. Then R is a generalizaticn of R- if R is obtained from. R^ by replacing certain of the assignments x = 3 expn (resp. x = expn) in R by arguments x=9expn' (resp. x=expn) and by dropping some of the assertions of P., , provided that an assertion | — (expn £ expn') (resp. I — (expn G expn') ') is available in R, at each point tt^ where such a replacement is made. It is clear that if R is a generalization of R, and it is reachable in R, , then tt is reachable in R. (Note however that the correctness of R does not follow from that of R^ , but must be proved separately.) As an illustration of this we consider the following nondeterministic praa which solves the well-known 'eight queens' problem (placing 8 queens on a chessboard so that no queen attacks any other) . We develop the solution as a vector posns whose j-th component shows the position of the j-th queen. The praa is : (19) rows = { n I l<_n<_8 } ; posns = n£^; n = 1; while n<_8; (= vector (posns) & range (posns) C rows & (l<_Vi,je p(j>,then function variables can be treated simply as integers. A call x = y (expn, , . . . ,expn ) to a function variable y can simply be regarded as an abbreviation for the conditional code sequence if p(y) = m then go to L2; Ll: go to Ll /* a 'stop* statement */ L2: if_ Y = 1 then X = f , (expn, , . . . ,expn ) ; else if n = 2 then X = f (expn, , . . . ,expn^) else if . . . -102- else if y = n then X = f^(expn^, . . . ,expnj^) end if; Of course, all functions f, for which p(j) ^ m can and should be omitted from the compound if-statement following label L2. c. Modifiable Arguments, Procedures, and Procedure Variables Provided that parameters are passed by value with return of values at the moment of procedure return, the procedure call p(x^, . . . ,x^) ; can be represented by the equivalent code sequence t = f (x^, ,x^) x,= t (1) ; . . . , x^ = t (n) ; where the function f is obtained from the procedure p as follows: i. For j = l,...,n, replace every occurrence of the (modifiable) parameter y. of p by an occurrence of a new variable y! not otherwise occurring; ii. Insert the group of assignments y^ = y^, . . . ,Y^ - y^ at the entry place of p; iii. Replace every simple return statement in p by the statement return • If this transformation is used, then procedure variables can be handled by the function-variable technique sketched in paragraph b. Other common styles of parameter-passing, e.g., parameters passed by reference, are less readily dealt with. In the worst case, treatment of a feature of this kind may force much of the mechanism of its intended implementation to be made explicit by introduction of a comprehensive mapping of pointers into values. -103- If this is necessary, application of the proof formalism developed in the preceding pages will become much cltimsier. However, it will still be possible to use auxiliary proof rules which establish the semantic equivalence of value and pointer semantics in particular cases to prove the correctness of many algorithms written in a language which makes use either of call-by-reference or other, still more general, pointer mechanisms. d. Nondeterminism . As already noted, the set-theoretic selection operator bs acts nondeterministically . This operator can be used to represent other semantic mechanisms used to introduce nondeterminism into programming languages . For example, a binary primitive function ok which is nondeterminis- tically either true or false can be written simply as 3 {true , false] . Hence, if we ignore the issue of termination, the proof and transformation rules set forth above cover deterministic and nondeterministic programs indifferently. However, as indicated in Section 4, the question of termination must be approached in a rather different way for nondeterministic than for deterministic programs. e. Existential Operator. A powerful and broadly useful programming construct is the existential operator (1) t = 3xt, ,x^ I C(x, , ,x^) , 1 n ' 1 n which both checks for the existence of values x, ,...,x satisfying the condition C and which assigns x,',...,x' to the variables x, ,...,x if x-,...,x' can be found. 1 n 1 n This operator has two useful properties: (a) It can be expanded, in an obvious way, into a 'search* loop; and (b) Immediately after (1) , the assertion -104- (2) f- (t =* C(Xj^,...,x^)) & nt => (Vx^,...,x^) nc(x^,...,x )) is available. The corresponding numerical iterator (3) t = m < 3k < n I C{k) can be expanded into a loop which searches in increasing order; iTioreover, immediately after (3) , the assertion (4) 1— (t => C(k) & (m < Vj < k) nc(j)) & (Ht => (m <_ Vj <_ n)nc(j)) is available. A third useful property of the existential (3) is that it can be replaced by t = m, £ 3 k <_ n, |C(k), provided that (5) |— m <_ m, <_ n & m<_n,<_n & ( (m£Vk v(k+l); [— 1 £ Vj < k I n(v(j) > v(j+l)) swap(v(k) ,v(k+l) ) ; |— rangecount (v) = rangecout(v') j— 1 < Vj < k-l|n(v(j) > v(j+l)) end while; |— l v(k+l) ; swap(v(k), v(k+l)); kk = max(k-l,l); [— 1 < kk < #v end while; Then, if the existential operator is rewritten as a search loop we get (8) kk = 1; Loop: k = kk; Sloop: if v{k) > v(k+l) then go to Lswap; k = k+1; if k >^ #v then go to Lout; go to Sloop; Lswap: swap(v(k), v(k+l)); kk = i£ k = 1 then 1 else k-1; go to Loop; Lout: Since the variables k and kk are never alive at the same time, they can be identified, which makes it easy to transform (8) into (9) k = 1; Loop: _if v(k) > v(k+l) then swap(v(k) , v(k+l)); k = if k = 1 then 1 else k-1; t" 1 1 ^ < #v else k = k+1; if k >_ #v then go to Lout; end if; go to Loop; Lout; -106- which can in turn be converted into the standard form of the bubble sort. It should be noted that other set-theoretic constructs which expand into stereotyped code sequences and which make available assertions of predictable form can be exploited in similar fashion. This remark applies to 'generator' routines which generate all the elements of some large set one after another, and also to codes which develop solutions to equations of various useful standard forms. -107- Bibliography Burstall, R. and Darlington, J. [1975] Some Transformations for Developing Reaursive programs . Proc. of 1975 International Conference on Reliable Software, pp. 465-472. Cohen, P. [1966] Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis . Mathematics Lecture Note Series, W. A. Benjamin Publ. Co. , New York. Floyd, R. [1967] Assigning Meanings to Programs . Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., American Math. Society, v. 19. Gerhart, S. [1975a] Correctness-Preserving Program Trans- formations. Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pp. 54-66. Also available as Tech. Rep. CS-1975-4, Computer Sci. Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, N.C. [1975b] Knowledge abouy Programs : A Model and Case Study. Tech. Rep. CS-1975-1, Comp. Sci. Dept., Duke Univ. , Durham, N.C. [1976] Proof Theory of Partial Correctness Verifi- cation Systems. Tech. Rep. CS-1976-5, Comp. Sci. Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, N.C. Hoare, A. [1969] An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Program- ming. Comm. ACM, v. 12, pp. 576-580. [1971] Procedures and Parameters : An Axiomatic Approach. Symposiiim on the Semantics of Algorithmic Languages (ed. Engeler, E.). Springer Lecture Notes on Mathematics No. 188, pp. 102-116, Springer-Verlag, Germany. [1972] Proof of Correctness of Data Representations . Acta Informatica, v. 1, pp. 271-280. London, R. [1 70] Bibliography on Proving the Correctness of Computer Programs. Machine Intelligence 5 (eds. Meltzer, B. & Michie, D. ) pp. 569-580. American Elsevier Publ. Co., N.Y. -108- [1972] The Current State of Proving Programs Correct . Proc. ACM Annual Conf. 1972, pp. 39-46. Misra, J. [1975] Relations Uniformly Conserved by a Loop. IRIA Conference on Proving and Improving Programs, pp. 71-80. Arc et Senans, France. Morris, J. H., and Wegbreit, B. [1976] Subgoal Induction. Tech. Rept. , Xerox Palo Alto Research Cr . , Palo Alto,Cal, Sites, R. [1974] Proving that Computer Programs Terminate Cleanly. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford Univ.; also Comp. Sci. Rept. STAN-CS-74-418. Walker, S. and Strong, H. R. Jr. [1972] Characterization of Flohiahartable Recursions. IBM Res. Rep. RC-3844. T. J. Watson Res. Lab., Yorktown Heights, New York. Wegbreit, B. [1974] The Synthesis of Loop Predicates . Comm. ACM v. 17, pp. 102-112. [1976] Verification of Program Performance . Tech. Rept., Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, Calif. -109- Appendix . Derivation of a related group of searching praas . (by Edith Deak) The follov/ing example illustrates the derivation of several functionally related algorithms from a common root praa usint, echniques discussed in Sections 1 and 2. All of the praas presented search for an element R in a sorted array A, and realize the output assertion: |— found = (1 < 3k ^ h) i=k & A(k) = R We first present a general, high level root praa and then show how three more specific algorithms can be derived from it by applying correctness-preserving transformations. The success of this method depends on the nonprocedural nature of the where diction and the block substitution rule. A. Root praa for searching a sorted array. ^ A e vector (reals) & #A = n & Real (R) & sorted (A) & n>0 Ti^ found = false ; TT2 £ = 1; 1T_ u = n; ir LI: 1— (1 < Vj < ?.) A(j) R IT- if^ u < £ 2^ t^ ^3' 7r_ i = j where 2. < j < u; o — — TT_ if A(i) = R go to L2; TTg if A(i) > R then ■"■g u = i - 1; TT else TT 2. = i + 1; IT end if; TT^ - go to LI ; IT L2: I— (1 < 3k < n) i = k & A(k) = R TT found = true', TT L3: [— found ^ (1 < 3k £ n) i = k & A(k) = R -110- Several search algorithms can be obtained by specifying how i at IT is to be selected. B. Sequential search praa . To derive a sequential search, we make an obvious choice, setting i = i, and perform the following transformations of the root praa. (Justification is given for each transformation, all of which are either rules mentioned in Section 2 or standard optimization techniques.) (i) Replace tt^ by i = £; (block substitution rule) 6 (ii) Move •"■_ to the end of all predecessor blocks 5 (all predecessors are single exit) (iii) Replace uses of u and i by n and £ respectively (equality substitution) The resulting praa is: -111- ^ A G vector (reals) & #A = n & Real (R) & sorted (A) & n > 0 TT found = false; ^ ^ - 1; TT^ u = n; TT if n < i go jto L3; TT^ LI; TT i = £; D TT if A(g-) = R go to L2; IT if A(e) > R then o TT u = £-1; TT if £-1 < I go to L3; TT else TT J^ u < £ go jto L3; TT . end if ; TT ^o jto LI ; TT found = true ; ^18 L3: I- found e (1 < 3k < n) i = k & A(k) = R TT- then becomes a go to statement, which makes u at tt dead. Then u at tt is equal to n, and so tt becomes dead. We have now : -112- ^ A 6 vector (reals) & #A = n & Real (R) & sorted (A) & n > 0 ir. found = false; 7T2 £ = 1; TT- if n < g- go to 13; ■n . Ll: 4 TTg i = £; TTg if A(g-) = R go to L3 ; IT- if A(£) > R go to L3 ; ir. I = il+l; tTq if n < g. go to L3 ; IT, - 30 to Ll ; ^1 ^2: IT „ found = true; IT L3: [- found = (1 < 3k < n) i = k A A(k) = R Then, to eliminate i, note that + ""13 K [ (1 1 3k < n) i = k & A(k) = R =» i = £] + ^13 \— [found = (1 < 3k < n) £ = k & A(k) = R] C. Binary search praa A binary search procedure is obtained immediately by using the block substitution rule to replace tt by the statement: i = la + u)/2j ; D. Fibonaccian search praa We now derive the Fibonaccian search procedure described in Knuth, Vol.3, p. 415, from our original root praa. We refer the reader to the Fibonacci tree shown by Knuth on p. 415 as an aid to understanding what follows. The algorithm computes the next value of i without any multiplication or subsequent divisor, -113- Values of i are nodes in the Fibonacci tree, obtained by adding or subtracting successively smaller Fibonacci numbers. The algorithm uses two auxiliary variables q and p, which are always consecutive Fibonacci numbers satisfying q < p. As in Knuth ' s first version of the algorithm, we make the additional assumption that n+1 is a Fibonacci number. If we assume i as the root of the current subtree in the Fibonacci tree being searched, l-l indexes the left most leaf of that subtree, and u indexes the rightmost leaf of the subtree. It is interesting to note that while the final algorithm uses p and q and not 9, and u, our root praa is a natural path to derivation of the Fibonaccian search praa. The proof of the Fibonaccian algorithm is facilitated by putting it in this framework. We are going to assume that our verification system has been supplied with information concerning some basic mathematical properties of Fibonacci numbers. Let the function fib(k) specify the k-th Fibonacci number, so that fib(O) = 0, fib(l) = 1, fib(2) = 1, etc. Variables i, p, and q are initialized as follows: i = fib(k) where n+1 = fib(k+l); p = fib(k-l) where i = fib(k) ; q = fib(k-2) where i = fib(k); If A(i) < R, the algorithm moves i down the left branch of the tree, which is done by executing the code: i = i - q; q = p - q; p = p - q; If A(i) > q, i moves down the right branch, by executing the code i = i + q; P = P - q; q = q - p; -114- We embed these two code fragments in two fragmentary Fibonacci praas , both of which can be seen to preserve the following proposition P under appropriate conditions on p and q: (3k) p = fib(k) & q = fib(k-l) & i+p = u+1 & 2,+q+p = i+1 Fib praa 1: ^ P & q > 0 u = i-1; i = i-q; q = p-q; p = p-q; 1- p Fib praa 2: ^ P & p > 1 £ = i+1; i = i+q; p = p-q; q = q-p; hP The invariance of P can easily be verified by calculating strongest postconditions and then performing appropriate algebraic manipulations These two Fibonacci praas embody most of the information concerning the fih function that we require. Returning now to the root praa, the first step of our derivation is to move statements tt^ and it backwards to all predecessor blocks, as was done in section A. This gives -115- ^ A e vector (reals) & #A = n & Real(R) & Sorted (A) & n > 0 \ found = false; ^2 V I = 1; "3 u = n; \ if u < S, go to L3; ^ i = j where Ji < j < u; \ LI: ^ if A(i) = R go to L2; "8 if A(i) < R then \ u = i-1; \o if u < J. go to L3; \l i = j where Jl < j < u; \2 else \3 £ = i+1; \4 if u < £ go to L3; \5 i = j where £ < i < u; \e end if; \7 go to LI; \b L2: \9 found = true ; ^20 L3: — found = (l<^3k £ < i <^ u. The Fibonacci search praas given above can therefore be substituted for the where statements in our search praa, using the block substitution rule. The next version of the search praa is obtained by the following sequence of transformations: (i) strengthen initial assumption, adding (3k > 2) n+1 = fib(k) (ii) replace initialization of i at tt (block substitution) (iii) initialize p and q (shadow variable) (iv) replace use of u at tt by i-1 (equality substitution) (v) replace it,, by fib praa 1 (code block substitution) (vi) delete "n^ (dead code elimination) (vii) replace use of £ at tt . by i+1 (equality substitution) (viii) replace tt^ ^Y fib praa 2 (code block substitution) (ix) delete tt,^ (dead code elimination) -116- The result is: ^ A e vector (reals) & #A=n & real(R) & sorted (A) & (3k>2) k+1 = fib(k) IT found = false ; IT u = n ; 7T if u < £ go to L3; 7T^ i = fib(k) where k+1 = fib (k+1); TT^ p = fib(k-l) where i = fib(k); TT q = fib(k-2) where i = fib(k); TTg LI: TT_ if A(i) = R go to_ L2 ; ■"10 if_ A(i) < R then 7T _if i-1 < 2. ^ to L3; }= P S q > 0 ^2 ^ = ^-^' ^13 i = i-q; TT^4 q = p-q; TT-L5 p = p-q; TT^ ^ else IT if u < i+1 go to S-3; j= P & p > 1 TT^g ii = i+1; ^^g i = i+q; ^20 P = P"^' 1^21 q = q-p; iT_„ end if ; IT go to LI; ^24 ^2: TT- found = true; ^26 L3: I— found = (1 < 3k < n) i = k & A(k) = R -117- P is loop invariant, and therefore the assumptions 1^ P at IT and tt can be degraded to assertions. Next, we want to eliminate I and u from the program. First observe that i-1 < £ H i £ £ E q+p-1 <_ 0 since ?.+q+p = i + 1. Since q and p are consecutive Fibonacci numbers, this can only occur when q = 0. Therefore i-1 < I = q £ 0. Similarly, u < i+1 Eu^i Ep£l since i+p = u+1 . This justifies the following sequence of transformations: (i) replace it by if q ^ 0 go to L3; (equivalence substitution) + ^11 (ii) degrade f= (q >0) to an assertion (iii) replace tt^ _ by if_ p £ 1 go to £3; (equivalence substitution) + ■^17 (iv) degrade t^ (p > j) to an assertion (v) replace it. by dJE n < 1 go to £3; (equality substitution) (vi) delete it. since n < 1 is false (vii) delete tt„, tt, , tt,„, tt _ (shadow variable rule) The resulting program, shown just below, is a correct Fibonacci search praa: .118- ^ A e vector (reals) & #A=n & real (R) & sorted (A) & (3k>2) n+l=fib(k) found = false ; i = fib(k) where n+1 = fib(k+l); p = fib(k-l) where i = fib(k); q = fib(k-2) where i = fib(k); Ll: if A(i) = R go to L2; if A(i) < R then if q < 0 go to L3 ; i = i-q; q = p-q; p = p-q; else if p < 1 go to L3; i = i+q; p = p-q; q = q-p; end if ; L2 L3 go to Ll ; found = true; |— found E (1 < 3k < n) i = k & A(k) = R -119- METAMATHEMATICAL EXTENSIBILITY FOR THEOREM VERIFIERS AND PROOF-CHECKERS Martin Davis and Jack Schwartz A full-blown program verification technology must rest on more than the informal or semiformal type of reasoning customary in ordinary published m.athematics , since reasoning of this type does not prevent numerous small errors from intruding into proofs, For this reason, any fully satisfactory program verification technology will have to make use of proofs which are expressed in computer readable form and which are then certified formally by a programmed proof-checker or theorem prover. The proof - checker system used will then play the role of a fundamental verification yardstick, and must therefore meet very stringent (albeit only manual) standards of verification. On the other hand, a central aim of verification technology is to reduce the cost of program verification drastically, and thus use of a single inextensible verification formalism will be self- defeating. It is therefore interesting to note that in ordinary mathematical practice, expressions of proofs are greatly facili- tated by the availability of metamathematical extension mechan- isms. A familiar example of this kind of metamathematical exten- sion justifies the ordinary habit of using a predicate-calculus statement of the associative and distributive laws to set up an algebraic formalism and then of accepting algebraic calcu- lations in lieu of detailed predicate calculus proofs. These considerations show that in establishing a verifica- tion mechanism suitable for long-term reliable use, we will need to define a system having the following three properties: (A) SOUNDNESS. The system must be capable of verifying the correctness of mathematical proofs, and of maintaining a library of theorems for which correct proofs have already been supplied. We must be entirely convinced that any proof of a theorem which the system certifies as correct should indeed be so, (B) EXTENSIBILITY. It should be possible to augment the system by adding new symbols, schemes of notation, and extended rules of inference of various kinds (e.g. rules allowing proof 120 by algebraic or other formal cornputation to be incorporated into what is originally a system containing predicate calculus state- ments of the commutative, associative, and distributive laws.) (C) STABILITY. The changes to the system envisioned in (B) must not alter the soundness demanded in (A) . It is clear that stability is crucial to the long-term success of verification systems. Uncontrolled insertion of unverified, even if plausible, new proof methods can be entirely fatal to the usability of such a. system. A verification system guards against the possibility of an incorrect statement entering into its library of verified statements by refusing to admit a statement into this library unless a proof of it has been accepted by the system. In order to use a similar technique to guard against the introduction of unsound proof methods, it is necessary to fully formalize our metamathematics . Then, for each proposed new method of proof, we can form a 'justifying sentence' which asserts that anything which can be proved using the new method was already provable before its introduction. The system will then accept a new proof method only if it succe ds in check- ing a proof (supplied to the system) of this justifying sentence. In this paper, we will present a logical prototype of such a system; will then describe the way in which it could accept general notational extensions of its initial proof formalism; will touch upon some of the logical issues v;hich arise in connec- tion with the 'computerization' of such systems; and will analyze some of the metamathematical questions raised by the method used to achieve extensibility. In our initial analysis, we shall deliberately impose very drastic restrictions on the programming environment which supports the extensible proof checker systems we consider, so as to post- pone certain technical considerations which would otherwise have to be faced immediately. However, in a final section, we will extend our initial analysis by considering the issues which need to be faced in order to extend our initial rudimentary pro- gramming environment to one in which more adequate computing mechanisms, programs, and programming languages can be used. -121- 2. A Formal System (FS) We work with a formal system (or theory) FS which is suitable for the formalization of substantial portions of ordinary mathe- matics. -(To simplify our exposition, a powerful but rather minimal formal system will be used.) Without attempting to specify FS completely, we assume: (a) FS contains the usual predicate logic (i.e., the first order predicate calculus) . The expressions (terms and formulas ) of FS are character strings on a finite alphabet consisting of alpha-numeric characters ordinarily available in computer systems, and have a convenient syntax of the kind ordinarily used in programming languages. (Of course this implies that the variables of FS are represented by character-string names rather than separate symbols.) (b) There is a term of FS , which we write 0, whose intended interpretation is the empty set; for each pair of terms a,B of FS , there are formulae a e B , a = B, and terms {a,B}, a-B, a u B, and P(a) (this last designating the 'power set' or set of all subsets of a) . Within FS there exist axioms implying that these formulas and terms have all their ordinary set-theoretic properties. We write {a} ={a,a}. Following von Neumann, we recursively identify each nonnegative integer with the set of all nonnegative integers preceding it, i.e. 0=0, n+1 = n u {n}. Thus each nonnegative integer is identified with a term of FS . (This identification plays no essential role in which follows, but does simplify our exposition.) Also there is a term w of FS whose intended interpretation is the set of nonnegative iricegers, such that for each nonnegative integer the formula n £ w is provable in FS. (c) We write = {{a},{a,B}}, thus using the Wiener- Kuratowski definition of ordered pair. Proceeding recursively, we set = a, = >. We also write 1 n 12 n [a,,...,a ] = = >. This latter 1 n 1 n 1 n "n-tuple" has the virtue that its length is unambiguously determined. We assume that for each term a of FS , there is a term Len(a) such that the equation Len(a) = n is provable in FS * Formulas are sometimes called w.f.f.'s. -122- for some nonnegative integer n, and such that whenever the equation a = [a ,.,.,a ] is provable in FS , so is the equation Len(a) = n. (d) For each pair a , B of terms there is a term a| JB. When the equations a = [a ,...,a ], B = [B-,,...,!3 ] are provable in FS , so is the equation a||B = [a,,..,a ,^ , . . . ,Q ]. (e) For each pair of terms a,B there is a term a(B) . Whe ever the equations a = [a^ ,...,a ] and B = ni with 1 < m < n in — — are provable in FS, so is the equation a(B) = a . (f) For each pair of terms a,B, there is a term ajB such that whenever the equation B = m > 1 is provable in FS, so is the equation a|B = [a (1) ,a (2) , . . . ,a (m) ] . By (e) , this implies that if the equation a = [a,,..., a 1 is provable in FS with m <^ n , then so is the equation a|B = [a,,a^,...,a ]. '12m (g) For each pair of terms a,B there is a term a + B. When the equations a = m, B = n are provable in FS , so is the equation a + B = k where k is the ordinary integer sum of m and n, (h) For each term a of FS, there are terms R(a), Lev(a). The sentences R(0) = 0, (Vn)(n e to ^ R(n+1) = P(R(n))) and ( Vx) (Vy) (Lev(x) £ y -^ x e R(y)) will all be provable in FS . Intuitively the elements of R(n), for n a nonnegative integer, are those which can be built up in at most n stages beginning with 0, where at each stage one is permitted to form any (necessarily finite) set using the elements produced at an earlier stage. (i) If the formulas (}) (1) , <}) (2) , . . . ,4) (n-1) are all provable in FS, then so is the formula Now we specify a subsystem LFS of FS within which all sentences (i.e. formulae without free variables) will be routinely decidable by a finite procedure. The terms of LFS are the smallest class T of terms of FS containing the term 0 and the variables of FS which is, such that whenever a,B are in T, so are {a,B}, (a u B) , P(a), Len(a), (a||B), a(B), (a|B), (a+B) , R(a), and Lev(a) . The formulae of LFS are the smallest class F of -123- of formulae of FS containing all formulae (a = B) and (a e 6) where a and B are terms of LPS, and which is such that: (i) whenever (p and 6 are in F so are '^"f , {'t> & 6), (^ V 6), ((j) -> 6) , and (cf) *> 6) . (ii) whenever (J) is in F , X is a variable of FS and a is a term of LFS not containing X, then (3X) (X ^ a ->■ $) and (3X) (X G a & 4)) are in F. We speak of terms containing no variables as constant terms. It is clear that the constant terms of LFS (often simply called constants ) denote finite data objects. Using this fact we can describe a systematic algorithm which applied to any sentence 0 of LFS returns one of the truth values true or false . This algorithm can be described recursively in terms of the total number of occurrences of the symbols "x^ & V -»■ -^ V in $ . If this number is 0 , * must have the form (a ^ 6) or (a = B) v/here a,B are constants; and hence $ can be tested in a finite number of steps. If this number is greater than 0 and '? has one of the forms '^^4),4)&6,c})V6,(t)->-6 or (i> ** & , the truth value of "f can be computed as a Boolean combination of the truth values of

of LFS. Accordingly, in what follows we will sometimes wish to regard LFS as a rudimentary 'programming language'. The 'programs' of this language are simply formulae H'(x ,...,X ), and the only operations available in the 'programming environment' PE which it defines are (a) An 'input' operation, which 'reads in' an appropriate number n of constants a, , . . . ,a and forms the sentence 1 n $ = H'(a, ,...,a ) by substitution. (b) 'Execution', which simply calculates the truth value of $ in some totally reliable way, and announces this value. Purely for expository reasons, we shall sometimes wish to pretend in what follows that our programming system can issue various 'confirmation messages' and 'diagnostics'. This is merely a matter of coupling the core logical mechanism PE to an auxiliary system, which can use the elementary true-false indica- tions provided by PE to trigger the issuance of such messages. In the next three sections, every reference to a 'program- ming environment' should be understood as meaning PE . In a final section, we shall indicate the way in which the formal verification techniques that we discuss can be used to justify the use of more highly developed programming systems. -127- 3. The System VT. We now sketch a system VT which can check proofs in FS . VT is to be maintained in a programming environment (e.g., that described at the end of the preceding section) which can accept character strings and sequences of character strings as inputs. Thus formulas of FS can be input to VT in a natural format. VT will maintain two libraries VA (verified assertions) and RI (rules of inference) each capable of being updated by VT itself in a manner described below. VA is a set of sentences of FS , hence of character strings. RI is a collection of 'procedures' each of which is in fact a formula 0 (X) of LFS containing just one free variable. The sentence 't'(a) for a given constant a is to be true only when a = [A ,...,X ,^] for suitable formulae A ^ , . . . , A ,<}) of FS . When $ ( [ A , . . . , A , ^] ) has the value true , we say that (f) is a consequence of the premises A ,...,A according to the 'rule of inference' -I^ (X) . It will be convenient to assume that all rules of inference in RI satisfy the stipulation that a consequence of a given sequence of premises remains a consequence if the order of premises is altered or if additional premises are supplied. Thus in particular if 'I> ( [ A, , . . . , A ,^]) is true so will $ ( [A^, . , . , A^, A^^2.' • • • '^m'^-' ^ ^^ true. Initially, RI will contain various procedures which corres- pond to the axioms and rules of inference of an appropriate version of FS . For example, we might expect to find the following items in RI : (a) A procedure AXIOM (X) where the sentence AXI0M(6) is true precisely when 6 = [A-,...,A ,^] where 4> is an axiom of FS . (b) A procedure MODUSPONENS (X) , where the sentence MODUSPONENS (6) is true precisely when 6 = [ A, , . . . , A , ^] where there are i,j, l£i,j f_n and a formula ^ of FS such that A . = i|j and A. = 0) -*■ (p) . -128- For each fixed value of VA and RI , we define a corresponding notion of proof. (Note that we will shortly describe ways in which VA and RI can be modified; such modifications will of course modify our notion of proof in corresponding fashion.) Namely, TT is a proof if TT = [^-j^/ . . . ,^ ] where for each i, 0 < i < n, either 4) . , ^ € vA or (J) . , , is a — 1+1 1+1 consequence of premises (};■,..., (J) . according to som.e rule of inference in RI . In this case it is said to be a proof of (t> . '■ n We can easily construct a formula PROVE (X,Y) of LFS, con- taining two free variables, such that PROVE (a, it) is true for given constants a,7T just in case a = ^ where tt is a proof of

2) V . . . V (X = 4)^) SOME RI(X) = $- (X) V $_ (X) V . . . V $ (X) , — 1 2 n where *,,...,* are a complete list of the formulas which belong 1 n to VA and ,...,$ is a complete list of the procedures in RI . The formula PROVE (X,Y) can now be written as follows: (*) Y(Len(Y)) = X & Len(Y) ^ 0 & (Vi)-^^^^^^^^Y) fS°^E-VA(Y(i) ) V SOiME-RI(Y|i)] It is clear that if tt is a proof of 4* and a = ^ , then PROVE (a, tt) is true. Conversely, if PROVE (a, tt) is true, it follows that the constant [tt (1) ,Tr (2) , . . . ,tt (Len (tt) ) ] is a proof of (f) where a = Tr(Len(TT)) = 4). Note that PROVE (X,Y) is a formula of LFS (the quantifiers and integers of (*) are permitted in LFS because under von Neumann's definition of the natural numbers, j < i and j e i are equivalent conditions). Thus PROVE(X,Y) may be regarded as defining a strictly finite procedure for testing an alleged proof for really being one . -129- Writing PR-LEV(X,Z) for the formula (3Y)(YeR(z) & PROVE(X,Y)), we see that this is also a formula of LFS . Finally, we write THM(X) for the formula (3Z)(Z S CO & PR-LEV(X,Z)) . We observe that THM(X) is not a formula of LFS (because of the occurrence of the term lo) . Note that if PR0VE(a,7T) is true for given constants a , tt , we will be able to prove tt ^ H(n) in FS for some fixed integer n and hence, using predicate logic, we will be able to prove PR-LEV (a, n) in FS . Using predicate logic again, we see that THM(a) will be provable in FS . For most versions of FS it will be possible to prove the sentence (VX) (THM(X) ** (3Y)PR0VE(X,Y) ) in FS, but we will not make use of this fact. -130- 4. Modes of Use of VT. We shall now describe six modes in which VT can be used. Of these, the first two correspond to the normal use of VT as a theorem library and proof checker, while others correspond to the various ways in which we allow VT to modify itself . Mode I (Lookup): This is a simple library lookup function. In this mode, a sentence il* can be presented to VT for verifi- cation. If 4^ e VA, VT will return a message such as (1) cf) IS IN LIBRARY Otherv;ise, VT will return a negative message. Mode II (Verification) : When this mode is engaged, a sentence <^ and its alleged proof tt can be presented to VT as inputs. VT will then translate (fi into its encoding <\> (which simply amounts to coding a character string as a constant) and will then execute the procedure PROV(^,it), If the value true is obtained, UT returns an appropriate message, e.g. a IS VERIFIED . If the value false is obtained VT should return a suitable diagnostic, e.g. STEP 5 OF PURPORTED PROOF IS ILL-FORMED or in other cases something like STEP 11 OF PURPORTED PROOF DOES NOT FOLLOW FROM PREVIOUS STEPS Mode III (Assertion Insertion) : This mode is similar to Mode II; however, it is intended that a sentence is both to be verified and to be stored in VA. Hence, after issuing the success message (1), VT must update itself. It does so by inserting a in the library VA. Of course, this makes revision of the procedures SOME VA(X) and PROVE (X,Y) necessary.* The Of course, the overall structure of the PROVE procedure will remain invariant. It is just that SOME_VA(X) will now repre- sent a different formula of LFS. -131- stability of the system is assured by verification of the proof which was input with a . Mode IV (Rule Insertion) : When the rule is engaged, a new proof -rule $, a 'justifying' proposition a, and a proof P can be presented to $ as inputs. Then VT will first check that a has the form (2) (VX)([$(X) - (f (^:i)i to its collection RI of proof rules. Of course, this makes reconstruction of the procedures SOME_RI(X) and PROVE (X,Y) necessary. A discussion of the stability of the system VT under Mode IV use will be found in Section 5 below. We shall now explain how rule IV can be used to extend VT so as to permit algebraic notations, calculations, and modes of reasoning to be used directly. Let us first describe the struc- ture of an extension capable of verifying certain propositions by automatic testing of certain (necessarily limited) classes of algebraic calculations. To develop such an extension, we can write out a formula $ (X) of LFS such that $ (a) is true for a given constant a if and only if a = [X ,...,X ,^], where one of the X . encodes a sentence of the form x = t , where t is in turn the encoding of some algebraic identity a routinely verifiable by an algorithmic technique (e.g. some special case of the binomial theorem) and where cf is a translation of o into FS. The proof of the justifying sentence for such a $ (X) would simply -132- be a formalization of some standard proof of the correctness of whatever algorithm was used to test such alleged identities. Once VT accepted this new rule, any identity belonging to the class handled by

(x) of LFS , such that ^ {a) is true for a given constant a if and only if a = [A ,...,A ,^], where either one of the A. encodes a sentence of the form ^ (t) , and where ^ is the translation of t into FS , or vice versa. Then we can make '$ available as a rule of inference by extending VT . The proof of its justifying sentence would simply be a formalization of a standard proof of the fact that the transla- tion into FS of a valid algebraic formula is a theorem of FS, and of the appropriate converse of this statement. A(X,,...,X )) , i n i n in where A(X^,...,X ) is a formula of FS containing only symbols which appear in VA or RI , and having no free variables other than X^ , . . . ,X . VT proceeds immediately to add (3) to VA, and S becomes available for use as an n-parameter predicate symsol of FS as extended. No justifying sentence is needed in this mode. -134- We end this section with some informal remarks intended to indicate the significance we attach to the extensibility mechan- isms that have just been defined. Given any proof verification system V, one can define the difficulty of a sentence S to be the length of the shortest input which will cause VT to accept S , or to be °° if no such input exists. Even though it will follow by arguments to be offered in the next section that the extension principles we have described can never reduce the difficulty of S from » to a finite quantity (i.e., can never enlarge the set of verifiable sentences) , we conjecture that the availability of these extension principles will reduce the difficulty of large classes of sentences by very large amounts relative to what the difficulty of these sentences would have been in any fixed extension of V not containing an extensibility principle or something equivalent to it. It is known that certain extensions of formal systems (e.g. by large cardinal axioms or so-called reflection principles) which in- crease the class of decidable arithmetic sentences, also decrease the difficulty of some such sentence by arbitrarily large (recursive) amounts. However, the sentences obtained in this way seem always to have an artificial post-hoc flavor (even though they can always be taken to simply assert the nonsolvability in integers of some Diophantine equation) . And in fact, there seem at present to be no general principles, not already available in Zermelo- Fraenkel set theory as formalized within predicate calculus, which promise to enlarge the class of propositions interesting to the working mathematician that can be proved. (Recent work in descriptive set theory, where new axioms have led to real advances, may give something of a counterexample to this assertion. But this work is still quite remote from "everyday" mathematics.) We can thus state the remarkable and fundamental fact that the very simple formal mechanisms embodied in predicate calculus and the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms can track mathematical discourse in a quite comprehensive manner. But this tracking has been very much a matter of principle rather than of practice. It is obviously -135- quite unfeasible, in practical terras, to represent ordinary mathematical discourse in raw forTiialized Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. Our extensibility mechanisms are intended to enable one to incorporate the various dictions and methods of ordinary mathematical discourse more comfortably into a fully formal system. On the basis of ordinary mathematical experience we have every reason to expect that the difficulty (in the precise sense we have defined) of various important theorems will be greatly decreased in this way. Although we have been unable to formulate and prove any metatheorems that would serve as a formal demonstration of this conjecture, we can point to some suggestive evidence. It is well known in proof theoretic research that the addition of new rules of inference to so-called cut-free systems can drastically decrease the lengths of proofs. In fact an exponential improvement is obtained (for a suitable class of theorems) for each use of cut rules that is permitted. Analogously, in connection with the system VT sketched above we have seen that the introduction of an appropriate "algebra" rule of inference shortens to 1 the difficulty of a sentence which asserts an algebraic identity. We note that attempts over the past few years to develop practical program verification systems have increased the pragmatic urgency of supplying verifiers which keep the diffi- culty of significant classes of sentences low. Unfortunately, this has tended to lead to the proliferation of numerous incommensurable systems, since different authors have proposed systems designed to lower the difficulty of one or another somewhat special class of sentence. This has in part tended to blunt the thrust of the verification literature. It is rather clear that the extensibility mechanisms described above allow one to start with any convenient one of these formalisms and (after considerable but only finite difficulty) extend it to include any or all of the others. Thus we provide a single mechanism which, if we leave a necessary initial investment out of account, can be made as comprehensive as any of the previ- ously proposed verifiers, each on its own chosen ground. -136- 5 . Metamathematical Considerations Concerning the Stability of VT . After our hypothetical system VT has been in operation for a while, assuming that it has been used in Modes III, IV, V and/or VI, the "proofs" being supplied the system may be syntactically quite different (and hopefully less tedious) from those acceptable to the original system. We shall write ] — a to indicate that the sentence a of FS was verifiable by VT in its original version . We have been using the notation PROVE(X,Y), PR-LEV(X,Z) and THM(X) ambiguously, since these formulas change as VT modifies itself. To remove this ambiguity we have only to introduce a counter t, writing PROVE^(X,Y), PR-LEV^(X,Z) and THM^(X). We let t be initialized at 0 and assume that whenever VT is used in a Mode which results in modification of PROVE , t is incremented by 1. It is obvious that PROVE (a, tt) implies PROVE (a,Tr). That is, if VT accepts a sentence (upon presentation of a proof tt) , it will continue to accept (f^ as it modifies itself (by virtue of the same proof tt) . The stability result we wish to prove is simply that if for any value of t, PROVE (4>,tt) is true, then |- (J) . Note that, using the formal techniques introduced earlier, this assertion (for any particular t, representing some particular sequence of extensions of VT) , can itself be represented by the sentence of FS: (*) (VX) [THM (X) ^THMq(X)] . Hence it might be expected that the stability proof we give could itself be formalized in FS . However, this is not quite the case, and to formalize the proof of (*) in a system like FS we need to use a system which, though it may be considerably weaker than FS in many regards, goes beyond FS in a certain direction. Specif icatly, we need to assume the following con- dition which we call weak o^-aonsistency (because it is implied by Gfldel's notion of w-consistency) : -137- If ^(X) is a formula of LFS, and if \~ (3X) (X e co & a (X) ) , then there is a natural number n such that ^(n) is true. The assertion that FS is weakly cu-consistent can be expressed in FG by the infinite collection of sentences: (4) THMq( (3X)(X e CO & A(X))) ^ {3X)(X e co &A(X)) (or more satisfactorily by a single sentence, which implies all of the sentences of (4)) . However there are obviously particular formulas A (X) for v/hich if (4) were a theorem of FS, we should have: (5) }— % THM ( (3X) (X G CO & A{X) ) ) (E.g., take for A (X) the formula X = 0 & X = 1) . But it follov/s from well known results of Gftdel that (5) cannot be proved in FS if FS is a consistent system. (This is because (5) amounts to asserting that the consistency of FS is provable in FS . ) This shows clearly that we cannot expect our stability proof to be formalizable in FS . However, the proof we are about to give can be formalized in any system which contains: (a) a certain relatively weak subsystem of FS, and (b) additional axioms sufficient to prove all of the sentences of (4). Having made these preliminary explanations, we shall now proceed to present our formalizable arguments quite informally. We have : Lemma 1. If PROVE (a, tt) is true, then |— THM (a) . Proof. We have | — fr e R(n) for some nonnegative integer n. Therefore by predicate calculus [— TT G R(n) & PROVE (a, tt) and hence |— (3y) (Y G R(n) & PROVE (a, Y)) , i.e, \— PR-LEV (a, n) -138- since | — n ^ ^ , we can use predicate calculus again to obtain: |— (3Z) (Z e CO & PR-LEV (a, Z)) , |— THM (a) . Next we shall need a converse to Lemma 1, and in order to obtain it we will have to use our assumption that FS is weakly 00- consistent. Lemma 2. If f— THM (a) then there is a constant tt such that PROVE^(a,TT) . Proof. We are given |— (3Z) (Z G u) & PR-LEV (a, Z)) . By weak oj-consistency , for some nonnegative integer n, PR-LEV (a, n) is true. I.e., the sentence of LFS (3y) (Y G R(n) & PROVE^(a,Y) ) is true. Hence for some constant it , PROVE (a, it) is true. Q.E.D, We are now in a position to prove our main result, which gives the stability of VT : Theorem, If (|) is a sentence of FS and PROVE^(i,TT) is true then j — ({) . Proof. Our proof is by induction on the counter t. The result is obvious for t = 0. We therefore need only verify that the fact asserted is preserved under use of VT in Modes III, IV, V and VI. It is a well known property of predicate calculus that use of the extensions obtained under Modes III, V, and VI do not increase the class of provable sentences. Hence we need only show that the property is preserved under use of VT in Mode IV. To obtain this result, let us suppose that the transition from t to t+1 was the result of a use of VT in Mode IV. and let 0 be a sentence of FS such that PROVE ^_^^ (^ ,^) is true for a given constant tt . We shall show that [- ^ - We write -139- SOME-VA^(X), SOME-RI (X) for the formulas of LFS introduced earlier, showing the counter t explicitly. We are given the sequence "t = [$,,...,$ ], where <^ = (f) _ inn and PROV (^,7t) has the value true. We shall show that I — (fi. for i = l,2,...,n. The proof is itself by induction, so in proving the result for i we may assume that it is known for all j < i. (Thus the whole of the present proof has the form of a double induction -- an inner induction on j and an outer induction on t.) Case 2. SOME-VA^ , ^ (^.) is true. Then, since we are t+1 1 assuming that the change to VT involved in the counter increasing to t+1 was not of MODE III, SOME-VA (i^.) is likewise true. Hence PROVE^ (4 . , [ A . ] ) is true. By induction til -^ hypothesis, ] — (p.. Case 2 . SOME-RI , {['^-, ,'^-y , ' . . t"^ ■]) is true . By induction hypothesis | — (\> . for all j < i. So PROVE (^i ., tt . ) is true for suitable constants tt . and therefore PROVE, (*.,7t.) is likewise true for all j < i. We consider two subcases: set Case 2a. SOME-RI ([ cf), , (^ ,...,<}).) ] is true. Then, if we we have that PROVE (({) . ,7t) is true. By induction hypothesis (on t) , |— (}) . . Case 2b. SOME-RI ( [^ , ^ ,..., ^ .] ) is false. Then, the transition from t to t+1 involved adjoining a new rule of inference ^(X) to RI , and moreover 0 ([$,, ^-^ ,...,$.] ) is true. Since $(X) was accepted by VT , it follows that VT (with index t) must have verified the correctness of the justifying sentence (2). That is, for some constant tt , PROVE^ (TWr[TTxFRTTV3TT7~~ ,^> THM^ (X (y) ) ] ^THM. (X (Len (X) ) ) ] , tt) t L "^ "^ "^ i-iGXl \ A. ) t u has the value true. By induction hypothesis (on t) , -140- h (VX)[^(X) - (f (^J)i FAL(X)) , where 6 is a constant which doees the program Pq. In practice one will want to lighten the considerable labor of proving the correctness of programs like P by making use of auxiliary program verification systems. This implies a less direct approach to proof of the correctness of Pq than that which we have just outlined. The following considerations show how such systems can be used, ultimately to establish assertions like (2a) and (2b) . We can regard any such program verification system (PVF) as being described by a formula -143- IS_VERIF (X,Y,Z) of LFS containing exactly three free variables, The sentence IS_VERIF (a , B , Y) is to be true for given constants a,B,Y just in case a is the code for an object 0 which PVF will 'accept' or 'verify', B codes the 'program part' of 0, and Y encodes the 'input-output assertion part' of 0. (The objects a will often belong to some formal system of extended or annotated programs which PVF is able to handle, i.e., they can be program texts 'decorated' with Floyd assertions. E.g., in the verification formalism of [Schw 1] , such objects would be 'praas'. Generally, the 'program part' of such an object will simply be the program text which it contains, stripped of the decorating annotations attached to this text within 0. Note that this program part is assumed to encode a program P, possibly in a high level language of which some subset is directly acceptable to the computing mechanism M.) The part y of 0 is assumed to be the encoding (^(X,Y) of a formula of LFS which expresses some relationship between P's output Y and its input X which PVT verifies as part of the verification of 0. Since we allow the program part of 0 to be the encoding of a high level language, only a subset of which gives valid M-programs, we will also need a formula IS_MPROG{X) , such that IS_MPROG(B) is true for a given constant B if and only if B codes a program of the restricted form acceptable to M. Finally we will need a formula SUBST (X,U ,V,W) expressing the relationship the sentence W arises by substitution of the particular constants U,V into the (two-parameter) formula X". That is, SUBST (a , y ^ 6 ^ B) is to be true for given constants a,Y/<5,B just in case a = (})(X,Y) for some formula (p(X,Y) of FS and B = {y,&) . Then, in order to justify use of PVF, we will need to prove the following theorem (for clarity, we shall give multicharacter mnemonic names to the variables occuring in it) : -144- (3) (VX, PROG, PROP, INP, OUP , ASRT) [( IS_VERIF (X , PROG , PROP ) & IS_MPROG (PROG) & YIELDS (PROG, INP, OUP) & SUBST(PROP, INP, OUP, ASRT) -> TRU(ASRT)] Once (3) has been proved, any P. coded by a constant B satisfy- ing IS MPROG(B) for which PVF has been used to establish IS_VERIF (a, 6 , Y ) / where y = (J)(X,Y), and where we also have (4a) (VX) [ (SENT(X) & (t)(X,true) ^ TRU(X)] and (4b) (VX) [ (SENT(X) & 4)(X, false)) ->FAL(X)] can be executed on M with ^ as input to evaluate the truth value of . We note again that a given P. used in this way need not be capable of handling all $; for some inputs 0 if the program P may fail to terminate or may exhibit outputs other than 'true' or 'false*. In practice, it may be advantageous to begin by developing rather simple programs P„ which are capable of computing the truth values of certain particular crucial classes of formulas , and then to use these P^ to verify (2a-2b), (3), and (4a-4b) for more powerful P and for additional auxiliary verification systems. All of this is merely the kind of 'bootstrapping' process typically involved in getting any complex system under way. Of course, in actually building a verification system, one might proceed manually and with a rela- tive minimum of formal checking to implement some level of system function that ought more properly be reached by boot- strapping. If this is done, it is desirable, and may be possible, to use the initial system to verify itself. Finally, we note that it may be possible, in a particular auxiliary formalism PVF, to find an object y satisfying IS_MPROG(y), for which we are also able to establish the universal validity of the formula (5) IS_VERIF(y, PROG, PROP) & YIELDS (y , [X , PROG , PROP] , [Y, PROG ', PROP ' ] ^ IS_MPROG(PROG') & IS_VERIF (Y, PROG ', PROP') -145- In this case, the program C can be used as a compiler. I.e. , it can be executed with inputs which are verified programs in the extended sense of PVF , to construct verified programs (having related, and perhaps identical, effect) which are directly executable. Note that more and more powerful compilers of this kind will be constructible by a suitable bootstrapping process . Reference J. T. Schwartz: On Correat-Program Technology , Preceding Paper, this collection. -146- R E S !1Wf-fre^^f K -^^^it-is* .. -..i t. ., ■> > ;v-5g^fg^3yE w^ s\ 1 ■2(^' ^i.i:>u It. V J — ^ CAVLORD 1 —\ 5 'Civ NYU NSO-12 C.2 Davis Correct programming technology/ Extensibility of verifiers. 2 papers on program verlflcatlor N.Y.U. Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences 251 Mercer St. New York, N. Y. 10012